
A fictional planet in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. Existing spinward of the Segmentum Solar, the planet Vapia has been colonised since early M.16, by the explorator fleet Illustrious Commandous

The World of Vapia Today
Located three thousand light years galatic south of Holy Terra, the world of Vapia is the foodstore of the Imperium for most of the Segmuntum Solar. Classified as an Agri-world, beta class distinction by the Imperium, Vapia is home to a hierarchial dynsasty of planetary governors and 7 billion inhabitants. Living in simple townsteads similar to those on the infamous Caliban home of the Dark Angels, the feudal system that is Vapia, allows for little more in life than to till the land and be loyal worshippers of the Emperor. Occasionally the Imperium comes to call in the form of a tithe to the Emperor, where loyal sons and daughters of Vapia fight in his name, in the Imperial Guard. Many famous regiments have been raised since the first colonisation, some of the most famous being: , the 95th Vapian Rifles and the 27th Desert Centurions, who saw action on Armageddon and the Moon Wars of Dubious Prime

Early History
Not all of Vapian History has been as Utopian or simple in life as the planet is in the 41st millenium. The first days after inital planetfall (M.16) for the forefathers of Vapia were hazardous. Indeginous lifeforms on Vapia were the most deadly this side of Catachan
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