Vanz boys

Vanz boys() are male street in Thailand that aged around 13-28 years when night time they will drive motorcycles together. Draping is flavor of Vanz boys until kind of music.
What does Vanz boys mean ?
Vanz boys are also called “ Zab boys “ which refers to being aged 13-28 years. They will drive motorcycles together in the night time. Another meaning of Vanz boy is a boy who likes illegal street racing.
Kind of draping
Most Vanz boys wear slippers,because they are not expensive,and polo shirts,but today they have more variety than in the past such as some groups get clothing inspiration from Hip-Hop style and favor wearing jeans with slippers and the Tawin brand original style.
Kind of music
-Thai rock such as Bodyslam,Big ass,Hyper,I-num and Restrospect.
-Pub dance music.
-Ska reggae.
They drive motorcycles in the night time that make noise Vanz Vanz from intake its effect to people around racing area. They are illegal street racers their racing cause car accident to people on the road and police.
Causes of Vanz boys
-Family problems.
-Peer pressure.
-They seek attention.
-Challenge the laws.
-They have been spoiled since their childhood.
Soving the problems
-Family give important to them.
-Bulid the laws for solve it.
Effect to Vanz boys
-Waste time.
-Waste money.
Effect to family
-Damage of honor.
-Father and mother are upset.
Waste money for son.
Effect to people
-Noise from motorcycle's machine.
-Car accident.
-Problems to police.
Effect to foreign
-Foreign looks bad image to Thailand.
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