

Valeview is a street in Wilton Connecticut. It is a community of good natured people of diversity. There are plenty of people of all different ethniceties and age groups. It is located in northern Wilton. See Wilton on for more information. In this fine society there are friendly children/teenagers/adults that enjoy eachothers company, in addition, there are pets that also enjoy eachother. It is a clean and welcoming neighborhood.

The People

The major people, of Valeview, mostly in order of the street location.

The Westrays

The first house on the street, a ranch house, small but sufficient. Mr. Edwin T Westray a father of 2 teenagers, Stone Troy Westray and Samantha Ann Westray. There is a large backyard good for activities. They used to hold the legendary Halloween party every halloween for the street to go trick or treating.

The Wittmens

The Kummens

The Polaks

The Fonsecas

The Lanzas

The Engleskirgers

References and Sources

Valeview members
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