USA war crimes

USA war crimes gives a short overview about serious crimes committed by the US Army's

*Canicattì slaughter: killing of Italian civilians by an American officer.
*Biscari massacre: killing of Axis prisoners of war in Sicily.
*Documentary film makers Ken Burns and Lynn Novick in their series "The War" alleged in episode 6 that 25 unarmed SS soldiers were killed in a Belgian village after they surrendered in the aftermath of the so-called Malmedy massacre. This killing has been reported by an eyewitnessing American soldier who was asked to be a member of the death squad but declined to do so..
*The Dachau massacre: killing of German prisoners of war and surrendering SS soldiers
*Chenogne massacre: killing of German prisoners of war by American troops.
* Richard Dominic Wiggers asserts that not only did American food policy in post-war Germany violate international law by directly and indirectly causing the unnecessary suffering and death, from starvation, of large numbers of civilians and POWs in occupied Germany. The adequate feeding of the German population in occupied Germany was an Allied legal obligation, under international law (Article 43 of The 1907 Hague Rules of Land Warfare).
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