University of New Mexico Retiree Association

The University of New Mexico Retiree Association (UNMRA) is an active organization sponsored by The University of New Mexico (UNM) and serving University faculty and staff retirees during their process to their retirement. The objective of the UNMRA is to enhance the quality of life for its members by organizing activities of special interest to retirees, establishing and maintaining a liaison with UNM organizations to assure retiree interests are being recognized, and providing a channel of communications through which retiress' interests and concerns can be represented to UNM and New Mexico officials and citizens. UNMRA publishes an online periodic newsletter, University of New Mexico Retiree Association Newsletter, for members and interested individuals.
The UNMRA helps other UNM organizations to protect the benefits of UNM retirees by interacting with the University of New Mexico administration and University of New Mexico Board of Regents. The Association has a retiree member on the Faculty-Staff Benefits Committee , had regular contact with the New Mexico Educational Retirement Board , and interacts with the New Mexico Legislature on retirement issues.
The Association is a member of the Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE).
In the spring of 2000, the University of New Mexico Staff Council passed a resolution promoting some of the specific interests of retired staff. Following that resolution, a group of retired faculty and staff began meeting with representatives of Staff Council; this ad hoc group of retirees included Scott Alley, Anne Brown, L.J. Lovell, Karin Retskin, Mimi Swanson, and Lee Zink.
In 2003, the University of New Mexico Regents’ Finance and Facilities Committee unanimously approved the measure citing the UNMRA's goals of enriching the lives of retired faculty and staff and finding avenues for these retirees to stay active with the University. The UNM Board of Regents gave an official approval to form the UNMRA in March 2003. Shortly afterwards, the retirees who promoted the Retiree Association met to write the UNMRA Bylaws, elect the first Board of Directors and Board President, and begin publicizing the Association.
General membership in UNMRA is open to all retired faculty and staff of the University of New Mexico including employees from branch campuses in Gallup, Los Alamos, Rio Rancho, Taos, and Los Lunas., foundations, and other affiliated organizations of the University. Any spouse, partner, widow or widower of any retired UNM employee may become a member of the UNMRA by applying via email or in writing to the UNMRA Membership Committee. Any retiree from a four-year institution of higher education may become a member of the UNMRA by applying for membership to the UNMRA Membership Committee . Any currently employed UNM faculty or staff member eligible for retirement or within one year of eligibility for retirement may become a member of UNMRA by applying to the Membership Committee. Any person who qualifies as a member of the University Retiree Association and who does not wish to participate may relinquish all rights, responsibilities, and privileges by contacting the UNMRA and requesting to be removed from the membership database. Retired employees of the University of New Mexico Health Science Center (HSC) Clinical Facilities are not eligible for membership.
Membership is of three categories: participating, associate, and adjunct.
Participating member
These members are those who have paid their annual or lifetime dues to support the UNMRA and are retirees of the University of New Mexico.
Associate member
These members are those who have paid annual or lifetime dues but are not retirees of the University of New Mexico.
Adjunct member
These members are all others who fulfill the criteria for membership but who have not paid annual or lifetime membership dues.
Membership year is July 1 to 30 June of the following year. Currently the UNMRA has over 3,000 Associate and Adjunct members and nearly 1,000 Participating members.
Board of Directors
The UNMRA Board of Directors consists of 15 members elected by the UNMRA membership. Board members serve three-year terms, staggered such that approximately five UNMRA Board members are elected each year. The Board officers are the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, and Immediate Past President. The Board meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month except June and July.
The primary role of the Board of Directors is to elect officers for the UNMRA, to appoint membership on all standing and ad-hoc committees, to appoint UNMRA members to University of New Mexico UNM committees where retiree representation is designated or accepted, to receive reports of the officers and committee chairs, to develop policies that aid UNM retirees, and to oversee the affairs of the UNMRA. The Board establishes an annual schedule of regular meetings and the date for the Annual Membership Meeting.
Annual Membership-Business Meeting
The Annual Meeting is held in late May/early June of each year at a place, date, and time designated by the Board of Directors. The agenda for the Annual Meeting is determined by the Board but will include the President's State of the Association Annual Report, the Treasurer's Annual Report, and the election of new Board members. Members receive notice of the Annual Meeting, the proposed agenda, and the nominees for the Board at least two weeks prior to the Meeting.
First Thursday Meetings
On the first Thursday of every month, members of the Board of Directors host coffee at a local restaurant across the street from UNM Johnson Gymnasium so that retirees and potential retirees can meet their retired UNM friends and gather information about the retirement process and the activities UNMRA sponsors. A reserved table indicated by a UNM Retiree Association sign is open from 9:oo am-11:00am.
UNMRA Committees
Benefits Committee
The Benefits Committee maintains a liaison with UNM administrative offices, the Faculty-Staff Benefits Committee , and the UNM Human Resources Division to assure that retiree interests and concerns are taken into account in the decisions regarding retiree resources.
Communications Committee
The Communications Committee develops and distributes the UNMRA Retiree News Bulletin , publicizes the UNMRA and its events, and oversees the UNMRA website .
Legislative Liaison Committee
The Legislative Committee coordinates the legislative business of the UNMRA with UNM officials and monitors and reports to the membership the activities of the Educational Retirement Board .
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee works with the appropriate University office to maintain a current, accurate database for all retirees and for those who are UNMRA members. The Membership Committee also assures that all retirees are aware of the UNMRA membership opportunities.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee finds candidates to fill vacant positions on the Board (at least five vacancies each year), helps the candidates draft their personal statements, and notifies the membership at least two weeks prior to the UNMRA Annual Meeting so they can vote on the slate of nominees. Members can make additional nominations for the Board of Directors from the floor at the Annual Meeting.
Program and Events Committee
The Program and Events Committee organizes and promotes activities such as museum tours, First Thursday Coffee, social gatherings, golf tournaments, lectures, screenings of particular interest to members.
Recent Alerts
To present and promote the welfare and interests of all retired employees of the University, the UNMRA members are asking the Board of Regents to restore promised retiree benefits, by putting pre-65 retirees back into the combined insurance pool. Talks are still on-going.
The UNMRA Board recently proposed development of a College for Emeriti Faculty and Staff. This Emeriti College will establish a centralized location and structure to provide transitional support and advocacy for retirees while promoting their continued engagement in the academic and organizational life of the university. The Emeriti College gives official status and structure to this endeavor within the academic environment of the University, and it recognizes retirees for their decades of accomplished service while inviting their future involvement and contributions to the University community and its several
missions. The proposed Emeriti College would engage both retired faculty and staff in furthering the goals of UNM.
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