Universal Absolutism

Universal Absolutism is the body of all Philosophies, Principles, Ratios, and other Universally applicable, or Universally True Knowledge, regardless of empirical circumstances. A Universal Absolutist is a sentient being who has mastered knowing of a great quantity of Universally Absolute Knowledge. Being Universally Absolute is a descriptive term given to any object, idea, form, principle, concept, ratio, or possibility thereof, or lack thereof that is Absolutely True, i.e. 100% true 100% of the time in 100% of all universes. Anything Absolute by definition is anything that is 100% true 100% of the time. Universally Absolute gives the word Absolute an added Depth to include not only what is known, what is present, what is now, past present or future, but also extends to universes that are unknown, that are not in this time or any other time.
A good example to demonstrate this principle is to show the difference between 3 somethings. Lets take a Noun, like a Tiger in a cage. There are 3 levels to look at the same tiger in the same cage. Empirical, Absolutely real, and Universally Possibly Absolutely Real.
One is Empirical. Empirical means "Based on Previous things" Used in scientific experiments to prove conceptual ideas empirically. Reversing the steps in the same experiment makes the empirical proof turn back into concept, right? Now Lets say Today is a single day in the universe, your Birthday in fact. Its only 1 day out of unlimited ever expanded Eternity. Today there is a tiger in a cage right in front of you. That's Empirical, based on the fact that there is a Tiger in a Cage right in front of you. Existence itself is proof that the Tiger Exists, but the fact there there is a Tiger in a Cage in front of you Today is Empirical. The Reason why its Empirical is because there is no guarantee that tomorrow that same tiger will be in the same cage, or that he was there yesterday before you got there on your birthday. The Tiger is Not Universal, he does not exist in all Universes, just this one. He does not exist in all times, he is only there one day. If something is 100% true, i.e. a tiger existed, but only true anything less than 100%, like maybe 1% or 95% or 55.76%, anything less than 100% than its guaranteed to be circumstancial and Not Absolute. Empirical and Absolute are antonyms.
Absolutely Real
Now There is a second level to this Tiger in a Cage Tale, called Absolutely Real. While it may be that the tiger existing at this particular location at this particular time may be Empirical, the fact that the Tiger exists at all is actually Absolute. While it is not 100% certain that the Tiger will be there forever, it is 100% that the Tiger is actually there at all. This is possible because The definition under investigation has been changed. If you are measuring the Tiger's Universal Trueness based on the entire length and width of the Universe's Time, no the Tiger does not exist forever, and he does not exist universally everywhere either.
If it were true, imagine a universe where the Tiger does exist every where at every moment, we would literally be Breathing in Tiger in a cage with every breath. We would be walking through a Universal Air Either of Fresh Universally True Tiger in a Cage. Believe it or not, this is actually possible in all universes, but being possible does not mean its a real situation yet, unless you count the Microbes living on a real Tiger in a real cage. To them, their Universe really is 100% Tiger in a cage, and yes they do breath in Tiger with every breath!!
Back to the definition under investigation: The Timeline of the measurement of existence. See if one changes the speculatory moment of time from "100% true 100% of the time, in 100% of the possible times," to "100% true, 100% of the time, in this one particular point in time, your still asking the same question, but just the time has changed. To that direction, it can be said that the Tiger in that Cage is 100% Absolutely Real.
Universally Possibly Absolutely Real
Now we are going from a question of "Is the Tiger in a Cage Absolutely Real" to a question of "Is the Possibility of a Tiger being in a Cage Absolutely Real?" In the Context of the body of Universal Absolute Knowledge, there is known accountability for things that are, and things that Possibly can Be. While this particular Individual Tiger in this Particular individual Cage may or may not be real, the Possibility of any Tiger being found in any Cage at this location is more likely to be true. Possibilities are more common in the Universe, and more often tend to be Absolute than any single Real thing. The reason behind this is that while any single form, concept, or material construct may have the possibility of existing, the Possibility of is is Always Real. Theoretical, Hypothetical, Conceptual and Possible define parameters, while Materials, Matter, and Actual real forms are things that can exist in the universe that can occasionally belong to fit into those parameters. As a rule of Design, a Tiger is Conceptually a Carnivorous Mammal, and a Cage is a Physical construct designed to Contain, and limit Presence to a defined Area. But in reality, you can find a Tiger that is Not Carnivorous, or a Cage that Fails to Contain and limit to a defined Area. A Tiger can Escape and eat trees and fruit for example.
Why This is Important
It is one thing to know about the Universe, it is quite another to try to live inside it!! This Body of knowledge was not put together just to read, it was put together to guide its reader to a better understanding of its Universe in order to apply what it learns and be more successful at whatever its doing. Reading this should help you do better in your actual existing life.
Body of Knowledge Versus Religion
As a Body of Knowledge by itself, Universal Absolutism is Absolutely useless. On the Other Hand, when a Sentient Being takes the knowledge and Utilizes it, it can be used to make a Universally Noticeable difference. There is no moral right or wrong in the Universe, Morality is a social Concept that is not Universally Absolute. Taking that fact, and changing the definitions: As long as there are Sentient Beings who actively try implementing things to a desired chosen effect, there is a level of Good, Better, Best. Good, Better, Best is not a moral sense, it is a Utilitarian Sense. Religion comes into effect when a particular Sentient Being has a particular chosen goal, and makes an effort to achieve that goal, like a Zookeeper/Scientist trying to get a tiger into a certain cage. There are differences in successive attempts and possible attempts. The Reason behind putting Universally Absolute Knowledge onto this website is to help that Zookeeper know or learn enough physical, mechanical, socio-economic, or electromagnetic technology to be able to successfully get the tiger into its cage. Knowing that tigers are socially predisposed to liking the smell of meat can be helpful if the Zookeeper knows enough to use a piece of Meat in a Lure like mechanical fashion. Knowing that physically pushing the Tiger in certain directions is physically possible and helpful, can add to the success.
The more a being knows about the Universe around it, the higher its level of Sentience. Sentience is a synonym for Awareness, and Sentient Being means Aware Being.
Levels of Awareness
This partition is an illustration to compare and contract different levels of Sentience possible in a single being. Sentience does not depend on your current form, being Aware of a cup is the same for all beings, whether your a Jelly fish, a giant Whale, or a small Microbe. But Being aware of a distinctive spot on the back of the cup with the Orange letter signifies a higher level of detail, and hence a higher level of awareness.
*Level 0-No existence at all
*Level 1-Existence bare minimal, non-reaction to anything in the universe
*Level 2-Existence-some chemical reaction, single chemical or a few: only responds to single thing in the universe
*Level 3-Existence-Lots of different chemical reaction: responding to different things in the universe
*Level 4-Existence-Differenciation 1: object has defined border between it and rest of Universe
*Level 5-Differenciation 2: Object reacts different ways to different stimuli, IE repulsion to one, attraction to another
*Level 6-Differenciation 3-Activism 1: Object can distinguish between distraction/poison and goal with measurability, becomes aware of substance existence, and can start to mildly actively pursue goal, while hiding from distraction or poison.
*Level 7-Activism 2-Beginnings of Organism: Once aware, Object becomes a being capable of making the decision to actively pursue goal at a higher/faster rate, while actively making conscience effort to hide from or avoid distraction or poison.
*Level 8-Organism Can sense food/Poison farther out and can sense secondary effects, like chemical game trails, echos, ripples, or precursor chemical signal proteins that preclude food or poison.
*Level 9-Organism Able to not only sense secondary effects, but also begins to understand the patterns, becoming familiar with behavioral patterns of secondary effect objects, shaking chair signifies Earthquake.
*Level 10-Organism able to notice that Secondary objects not only have effect from poison or food, but also by themselves or from interactions from each other, not from ood or poison effect.
*Level 11-Organism able to understand these secondary effects so much that it is familier, and secondary patterns are recognisable, and understood.
*Level 12-Organism Not only recognises the secondary patterns, ut also sees that these patterns can have third level effects on its own food or poisons or on itself.
*Level 13-Organism Being is capable of starting to control its secondary Environment other than Food/Goal and Poison to make manipulating food/poison more easier. Putting up barricades to hide from poison, channeling food in by other means, utilizing mechanical, or electric systems to pull food closer artificially, because of tertiary effects from secondary objects.
*Level 14-Organism able to recognise other beings, including other members of its own species, seeing them chase food and hide from poison. Organism now called Being, as it is now a member of a party of multiple Organisms
*Level 15-Being is able to affect or Effect the Food chasing/Poison Hiding of its Brethren, and interacts with them, changing their ability to act to Poison/Food differently, positively or negatively.
*Level 16-Being Able to Measure results of encounter with Fellow being, and see results in secondary effects on environment and in presence of Food/Poison in the environment.
*Level 17-Being Sees results and the corresponding reaction to Food/Poison and starts actively interacting with other fellow Beings at a faster/Higher rate, positive or negative.
*Level 18-Being recognises tertiary patterns in environment, Food/Poison, and presence of other similar beings, and begins to understand a greater System, hence higher level of Awareness.
*Level 19-Being able to Manipulate the surrounding environment to more successfully attract or repel other beings in addition to being able to attract or repel Food/Poison. Manipulation of an Entire system is now possible.
*Level 20-Being aware not only of the system as an aftereffect of action, but of the fact that there can be choices made in the level of Food/Poison manipulation, as well as the number and quality of other beings in the same environment. Social systems now possible.
*Level 21-Being Now capable of not only seeing local Environment, but also can perceive farther in time and space to be aware of levels of environmental factors that could be gained or lost in certain behaviors, foresight, and Greater level of Awareness. Being Now can be called Sentient as it is completely aware of the most Basic important fundamentals in its area
*Level 22-Sentient Being not only aware of things affecting Food/Poison and other beings, but sees forth area effects, patterns Environmental factors exude on each other having nothing to do with Food/Poison or other Beings. Awareness of Things outside its local environment is now possible. Outer Universe can now be looked at, and perceived by local beings.
*Level 23-Sentient Being Can now see patterns and understand and perceive how patterns themselves can Exude patterns on other beings, other objects in the Environment. Appreciate of things outside Food/Poison now possible. Ability to manipulate other Beings away or closer to achieve more Food/Less Poison for both now possible
*Level 24-Sentient Being Not only able to appreciate patterns outside its universe, but now it can use its local environment to cause patterns to emerge on secondary and tertiary effects onto the outside universe. Sentient Being Now has the ability to Manipulate parts of the Universe outside itself, no little or no known cause.
*Level 25-Sentient Being able to make a measurement of changes its made in outside Universe, to see if its good for it, or bad for it, new goals, poisons at a different level than food. Good Universal Changes becomes New Goal, Bad Universal Changes becomes new Poison. Being Still eats food and hides from poison, but that's not the main part of life.
*Level 26-Sentient Being not only capable of perceiving outside Universe, but also other beings outside its own kind, with their own Food/Poison, different from its own.
*Level 27-Sentient Being not only capable of being aware of other species, but also Take active action to interacting with their lives for reasons outside Food/Poison.
*Level 28-Sentient Being develops sense of Universal Purpose, a reason behind all the many patterns and secondary and tertiary effects in environmental objects, both in its local area and in areas outside its universe, and extending to other beings and other species.
*Level 29-Sentient Being actively pursues Universal Purpose, re-directing all of its environmental factors and other sentient beings in unison to some common cause.
*Level 30-Sentient Being sees results of total redirection of all faculties of objects and beings, and is aware of new patterns involved with total systems being manipulated
*Level 31-Sentient Being Becomes Absolute Being when it can make choices that effect all Systems, all environments, all other beings, and then can actively pursue, not just patterns, but the Results they lead to.
*Level 32-Absolute Being realizes that it is only a small part of a big Universe, and that it must become a tool in which its purpose can come to reality. Believing in Higher powers, higher purpose, higher systems now possible. Theories of Universal Purposes, Gods, Religions, philosophies now Possible. Goals/Poisons in life Change from positive/negative effects in the universe to positive/Negative Purposes, and Absolute being now aware of Secondary effects that higher purposes can have on its local changes in the universe.
*Level 33-Absolute being aware that Not only do Higher Purposes have effects and patterns on manifestations of local changes, but also that Different Higher Purposes can have effects on each other, patterns emerging as secondary effects as one Higher Purpose interacts with another Higher Purpose. Different Religious concepts can have repeating consistent effects on other religious concepts, clashing, combining, indifference, embellishing, minimizing.
*Level 34-Absolute Being capable of using philosophical concepts as environmental materials that have secondary effects to attract other goal oriented concepts, and other philosophical concepts to repel bad ideas.
*Level 35-Absolute Being Capable of using Ideas to control the entire Universe, by manipulating its secondary and tertiary effects in other beings, and other environmental factors, to wield Ideas to gather higher concentrations of the Right Higher purposes, and making the not-beneficial Higher purposes non-possible, putting a possibility barrier on Ideas themselves.
*Level 36-Absolute Being-Capable of Controling the concentration of Ideas possible in others, and making the right ideas possible to have measurable secondary and tertiary effects that those other beings themselves have on yet other beings and other environmental factors. Seeing a pattern that Ideas themselves have on worlds and environments
*Level 37-Absolute Being-Capable of noticing other beings that can control other beings, seeing the patterns that they create on the world, and understanding them.
*Level 38-Absolute Being-Capable of Controling other beings that control Other beings, A Master of Masters, you can Use Ideas to command the awareness of all other beings in the Universe that themselves are aware of you. Even though you are aware of their powerful Ideas, you know more about what they can know, than they know themselves. You are fully aware of everything physical in your universe that can possibly have any effect on anything at all, and you fully use them all to your advantage in your shaping the entire universe to what ever picture you decide it should look like.
*Level 39-An All-powerful Universally powerful Universally aware Being
Below is a list of Universally Useful Technologies, Patterns, and methods that can be imployed on your universe
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