United States proposed takeover of the Gaza Strip

The United States proposed takeover of the Gaza Strip was first announced by U.S. President Donald Trump on 4 February 2025 in his meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. According to Trump, it is to encourage economical development and to build "unlimited jobs". Donald Trump also suggested that Palestinians be permanently removed from the Gaza Strip, and be resettled in either Egypt or Jordan, however both refused this offer. Though, Trump is still trying to coerce both Egypt and Jordan to accept the offer to take the Palestinians from Gaza. It is part of Trump's Greater United States policy.
The proposal of the annexation came on 4 February 2025 in a meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu and the current president Donald Trump proposed a takeover of the Gaza Strip. The reasons for takeover according to Trump is to prevent the death of civilians in the Gaza Strip and saying that the takeover will be "long term" and saying that it will bring "great stability in parts of the Middle East". Trump is also saying that he is planning once he takes over Gaza that he build thousands of jobs.
The plan would also involve clearing building rubble and the removal of unexploded ordinance left from the Gaza war, Trump did not rule out the use of the US military saying "If it’s necessary, we’ll do that,”.<ref name=thehill/>
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