Unique Synthesis of Functions of the Mind

  1. Psychology teaches 3 Mind Functions : cognitive/thinking, affective/relating and conative/performing. These 3 Functions date from the Greco-Roman antiquity and have not changed since when our current life calls for other important functions. The author has identified at least two others : etgics/virtues (that has discussed in the new discipline of Poeitive psychology. Another is called ageritive/achieving that had been researched and included in this Synthesis of 4 Functions of the Mind.


During an Engineered Systems consulting career, managerial courses on handling professionals, it was noted that the approach for the identification and treatment of these 3 was quite similar and couls lead to an integration-synthesis. A search was then made for the 4th Mind Function traits of personality and found, again using the same approach of the others.


 Four references, mentionned at the bottom of this paper, were used. They all used a similar approach to determine Traits characteristics in four quadrants: they can be called Attitide i.e. the "what" for the vertical axis and Approach i.e. the "how' for the horizontal axis forming the quadrants. And the the four synthesized rather well as shown later


The four sources using "suitable sampling groups" generated a number of similar personality traits that could be synthesized relatively well. First we will look at the Functional Factors for each source


Function of Mind                        Attitude- vertical                      Approach-horizontal      

Thinking/reasoning                    Focusing or Screening            hypotheses or single view

Feeling/relating                          Factual or social                   ssertive or tolerant

Doing/performing                       Changer or conformer           Big picture or details

Reaching/achieving                     Seeker or suppoeter            Connector or private

Synthesis of four                          Object diracted [D] or           Global [G] or                 

                                                Situation-adaptive [A]          Segmental [S]

                                                                note p author terminology 

With the two axis poles D - A and G-S,  there are four Personalirt Quadrants DG , DS , AG , AS


For each Quadrant, the four sources, who acted separately at different times, had a sur[rising number of similar types of trauts in eaxh of the quadrants. Note - the four may have used the same model, but this was not referenced in their books. It should be mentionned that the four original publishers for the four works are no longer operating under those namesm making it impossible to obtain permissions to reproduce their indivifual data.

So the most representative four simi;ar traits will be used without reference to each source, Those wanting to verify could obtain copies of the original works. The sources had around a dozen similar traits in each quadrant, Five are considered sufficient to show what are similat traits foe different Mind functions : Is,  Likes,  Values,  Can be more, concluding Style. And this for each Quadrants



                                                           DG             |           DS     

                                 G  --    --    --    --   --  --  --  --   S 

                                                           AG          |            AS                   




Quadrant DG 

Is : speculative, spontaneous, efficient, participative

Likes : integration, deadlines, accurate, active

Vakues : idealist, innovation, results, interaction

Can be more : realistic, listener, for alternatives, concerned

Style :: Direstor, Searcher, Builder, Achiever

Stnthesized Type :: Entreprising,


Quadrant DS

Is : definitive, hands-on, accurate, active

Likes : substance, simplification,ezactness, praise  

Values : tangibility, faxtness, axtivity, contribution

Could be more : adaptable, flexible, open, decisive

Styles : finder, enabler, analyric, fulfiller

Synthesized Type : Axxomplishing


Quadranr AG

Is  : receptive, diplomatic, systematic, sociable

Likes  : meetings, scheduling, to fit, gatherings

Values  : inpute, predictions, associations, applause

Could be more  : committedm finalizer,applied, concrete

Styles : explorer, planner, influemt, friendly

Sybthesized Type : Aligner


Quadrany AS  

Is : adaptive, affable, thorough, helpful

Likes : usefulness, identification, complexity

Values : probing, formulas, attention, quality

Could be more : firm, solving, involved, claiming

Styles : tester, idealizer, appeaser, provider

Synthesized Type : Endorser



Details above show a good deal of similarity from different Mind functions for the same quadrants.

Tests for these works were for diffwewnr samplings or groups. It may be still valuable to confirm

the the different functions with the same individuals . Doea it show the importance of of the

Functions of the Mind in the behavior of people? Does it represent a valuable way of determining

personality traits, perhaps superior to other methods?

This also shows the importance of Synthesis, not used sufficiently



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