
UltraRogue is a single-player roguelike computer game originally based on Rogue (version 3.6) and Advanced Rogue (version 1.8). It was developed by Herb Chong between 1985 and 1986, and again in the early 1990s with several contributors. As of January 2008, the most recent release is version 1.07.

While Rogue features twenty-six monster types and the goal of the finding the Amulet of Yendor, UltraRogue has hundreds of monster types and eight game-winning artifacts. Unlike Rogue, UltraRogue requires the player to choose from among character classes inspired by Dungeons & Dragons: fighter, cleric, magic-user, or thief.

In both games, the dungeon does not formally end, and the player can continue to explore after obtaining a winning artifact, facing monsters of growing strength. In UltraRogue, after retrieving a winning artifact and returning to the dugeon's first level, Lucifer will confront the player. While he can be defeated in combat, players may also run past him to win the game.

Herb Chong did not distribute the source to UltraRogue, though he did permit a few developers to contribute directly to the game. Its development spanned over eleven years, from December 1984 to early 1995. The Roguelike Restoration Project, an effort to port old roguelike games to current computing platforms, later revived development.
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