
Udrogoth is the fictional city in which the animated cartoon television series Dave the Barbarian is set. All the characters, things, places, ideas and events that exist within Udrogoth also are fictitious. In the show's short run it was never said as to what country Udrogoth is in.
According to Dave, Udrogoth's colors are red, a slightly darker red, and a different kind of red a lot like the first only more sort of "salmony".
Udrogoth borders the Enchanted Forest. Everything there is enchanted, even the rock that the Sprite thought might not be. A couple of feet away is an army base called the Mongrel Hoardes. You can see Udrogoth from it. As seen in Spring Cleaning there's an ocean where pirates usually go to the coastline.
Religion in Udrogoth
One episode has Dave mentioning a Bar Mitzva party.
Udrogoth doesn't celebrate Christmas, it celebrates something called the Harvest season where instead of Santa Claus something called the Harvest Hog delivers presents to everyone
Arts and Entertainment
Much like they did in medieval times, the kingdom of Udrogoth has a town crier instead of a newspaper.
Instead of television, telephones and computers people in Udrogoth use crystal balls which do everything the three do. There is also a parallel to the World Wide Web called the "World Wide Spider Web". The latter requires a selection of crystals laid out in a pattern which functions as a computer keyboard.
The most popular sport in Udrogoth is a game called Plunderball, which is like Soccer only much, much different.
Udrogoth is also the home of a wrestling promotion, where Dave briefly joined and was the tallest wrestler the federation ever had.
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