
txtm8 is a free SMS sex and relationships text service for young people (aged 13-25) living in London, United Kingdom. Mobile phone users text 89868 with any question relating to sex and relationships and get a free reply within 30 minutes. Launched in September 2009 by Living Well CIC, the service is currently commissioned by the London boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham, Kensington & Chelsea, Enfield and Wandsworth.
txtm8 Sex and Relationship Text Service
The Number
The service uses the short phone number '89868' which spells out txtm8 on a regular mobile phone keypad.
In the news
* [http://www.yourlocalguardian.co.uk/news/local/topstories/4736422.NHS_launchesinitiative_to_curb_teen_pregnancy/# NHS Wandsworth launches 'sex text' initiative to curb teen pregnancy] Your Local Guardian website, 17 November 2009
* Free text service for teenagers Wandsworth Council website, 4 November 2009
* New text service for teenagers Tooting Life website, 4 November 2009
Texting and Young People
txtm8 lets young people's thumbs ask the awkward questions. The service is user friendly, providing young people with advice via the medium they value most - their mobile phone.
* The average teenager sends 10,000 text messages a year.
* For 18- to 24-year-olds, their mobile phone mattered more to them than television.
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