Twin Flip

Twin Flip is a flat ride (not a rollercoaster) consisting of a rotating center with two arms connecting to two rotating clusters of seats (sattelites). Each seat holds two people facing forward and two people facing backward. There are three or four of these in each sattelite, for a total of 24 or 32 people for the entire ride, depending on the model. The center and the sattelites can spin in either direction, depending on the ride program or the operator's preference. The ride gets going quite fast, and when it does, the two arms holding each of the sattelite clusters raise up, allowing each seat to rock and/or flip freely. This ride can be quite disorienting, so watch it running, and consider your participation carefully. Some Twin Flips are operating with West Coast Amusements (Western Canada, Texas State Fair), T.P.A Shows (Australia), and Veegaland (India).
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