
TuxMathScrabble is a math version of the classic word game Scrabble (Trademark of Hasbro) which challenges kids to construct compound equations and to consider multiple abstract possibilities. TuxMathScrabble was originally developed for Linux, but much effort was subsequently put into making the game platform-independent (Linux, Mac, Windows).
The game can be played by 0, 1 or 2 players, where zero corresponds to "demo" mode.
The game was built with opensource software and is released under the .
The first version of TuxMathScrabble was released in 2001 and periodic maintenance releases are ongoing.
TuxMathScrabble has a "sister" application known as TuxWordSmith which is similar to Scrabble and supports over 80 languages including Greek and Russian.
* Optional GUI Admin Configuration Panel (uses WxPython)
* Animated Tux (The Linux Mascott) character
* Animated tiles come to life upon correct submission
* Screensaver/Demo mode
* Platform independent design (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BeOS)
* Optional fireworks display at startup
* High score table
* 0 (demo),1 and 2 player modes
TuxMathScrabble is included in numerous Linux distributions, including the Edubuntu flavor of Ubuntu, Gentoo Linux, SUSE Linux and several education software collections.
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