Turkey Bradstreet

Luke Taylor "Turkey" Bradstreet (born April 1st, 1992 in Memphis, Tennessee) is an American musician best known for his (eventual) work in metal act Shrugging Atlas as the drummer/percussionist, as well as his work as the guitarist and frontman in indie act Audio Science.



Luke Taylor Bradstreet was given the nickname Turkey by his grandfather, who had a thing for naming each of his kids or grandkids after an animal.(for example, Turkey's uncle's name was "Grasshopper", his niece's is "turtle", etc..) Luke's just happened to be "Turkey", and after being fed up with the "Luke Skywalker" stuff, he showed up one day as Turkey Bradstreet.


---Audio Science---

Turkey became a part of Audio Science in early 2009 along with bassist and co-vocalist Brady Richardson and drummer Kevin Duncan. The band has yet to record or release anything, but stay tuned and you might see something pop up.




* Turkey actually went by his real name, Luke, through most of his high school tenure. He is quoted as saying "I tried to get everyone to call me Turkey, but the only person that would do it is Brady."


* Turkey is bisexual.


* Turkey and bandmate Brady Richardson are both members of The Gadsden Few, a PAC based out of their home state of Tennessee.


* While Turkey sports short, red hair now, he was once questioned about his bald-headed appearance. He replied, "Everyone always thought I was some huge racist or cancer patient, but I just did it because it was something no one else had the balls to do.


* On April 7, 2009, the first demos from Audio Science have been given a title: Public, I.

 Track List: 1. Texas Tea; 2. Rush; 3. People Person; 4. Easy Look.

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