Tulsa Town Hall

Tulsa Town Hall is non-profit organization that has been bringing dynamic speakers to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Founded in 1935, Tulsa Town Hall was originally held in the Ritz Theater along with the Crystall Ballroom at the Mayo Hotel providing space for the luncheons that followed.
Tulsa Town Hall has had many speakers over the decades that documented changes in specific cultures, interests and changes around the world.
Some of the previous speakers arranged by the decade they spoke:
40s and 50s: Thomas Hart Benton, Norman Vincent Peale and Norman Cousins
60s: Maria Von Trapp, Pearl Buck, Helen Hayes and Ralph Nader
70s: David Niven, Vincent Price, Art Buchwald, Charles Kuralt and Donald Rumsfeld
80s: Phil Donohue, William F. Buckley, Gerald Ford, Madam Jehan Sadat, Maya Angelou, David Brinkley and Henry Kissinger
90s: Robert Kennedy, Jr., Charlton Heston, Judith Viorst, William Raspberry, Lesley Stahl, James Lovell and Dr. Robert Ballard
Past Decade: Senator George Mitchell, Arun Gandhi, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Juan Williams, Ken Burns and Bob Schieffer
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