Tribal warrior

A Tribal Warrior is a warrior belonging to a tribe or a nation in which the Tribalist system of government exists. This is the system when the basic unit of government is the tribe, and the people exist solely to defend it and help it grow.

A Tribal warrior will often be a conscript or citizen-warrior as opposed to a volunteer. As such, in the tribe all men and sometimes women are capable fighters, however they rarely undergo training. Therefore many tribal systems also are what can be described as barbaric legal systems, in that the strong take what they want from the weak, or self-sufficient, so everyone needs to be able to get food because nobody else will provide it. Although in antiquity many tribes did not have a truly barbaric law, the common practice of trial by battle, in which the 'criminal' fought a single combat with the alleged 'victim', and the winner was 'right', meant that the stronger still had the law on his side.
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