Tribal Democracy


Basic Concepts
Basically, the concept being proposed by Sem Karoba, is that democracy is applicable and still being applied by tribes (tribal peooples) around the world; and therefore, it can be applicable today and tomorrow. Basically, the root of democracy is at the tribal level and it can be proven today. Even though the western-mindset has said that everything and anything related to the term "tribe" should be 'out of date', and should not be promoted or acknowledged by modern communities.

The basic conception is that this democracy operates at the tribes' levels, within the norms, gpatters of leadership and system of governance of each tribe, as well as within the customary territory of each tribe.

For interacting with modern communities, democracy within the tribes is coordinated by a Council of Tribes, where all tribal chiefs or those represent each tribe come and coordinate their work.

Key Elements
Similarities between Tribal Democracy and Modern Democracy

Deferences between Tribal Democracy and Modern Democracy

Background Information

Global Phenomena

Local Phenomena and Personal Experience

Development of the Concept

Original Drafting and Researching
First Conception and Discussions
First Draft Presentation
Further Research

Publication of the Concept in Malay Version in Indonesia
DEMOKRASI KESUKUAN: Suatu Pengantar (Tribal Democray: An Intrdocution), by Sem Karoba,, 2008;
DEMOKRASI KESUKUAN: Reviewing the Biological, Socio-Cultural, Human Thinking Evolutions and Geographical Distribution of Human Beings, by Sem Karoba,, 2008;
DEMOKRASI KESUKUAN: Digging the Modern Democracy Rhetoric, by Sem Karoba,, 2008

There will be about seven books to be published
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