Travis Stebbins

Travis Stebbins (born 1989, also known as Ken Blast, Odyssey or Eurobeat Brony) is an American independent Eurobeat producer. He has recently risen to online fame for his works involving music from the latest incarnation of the My Little Pony franchise, Friendship Is Magic, where he is commonly respected by the older male audience of the show, as well as Daniel Ingram, who composed the original songs for Friendship Is Magic.
*My Backstory as a Pixel Vol. 1
*My Life as a Pixel, Vol. 1
*Chained Lady
*I Breathe Fire
*Super Ponybeat Vol. 1
*Super Ponybeat Vol.1
*Super Ponybeat Vol. 2
*I'm Okay With That
*Ghosts of Suburbia
*Deadly Fantasy
*Magical Girl
*Love Murderer
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