Transparent Machines

Transparent Machines is an upcoming Cyberpunk themed action-adventure, stealth, puzzle, role-playing video game developed by Freeman Technologies. The video game has been inspired by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks Julian Assange. The title of the game idea has been influenced by Beeple's Transparent Machines Concept Art (2013) video from, in early 2015 a small team of three at Freeman Technologies worked with the artist, 'Beeple' to name the concept art video into a official game title, 'Transparent Machines' and also had permission and rights to use the Transparent Machines video concept art into an official game teaser which was eventually posted on YouTube in late March 2015. with the following of an announcement of the game.
The game has been officially announced by Freeman Technologies on its YouTube channel March 26, 2015.
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