Transgender Restroom

The Transgender restroom started around September 29, 2016, which the people were against transgender people changing their biological sex. People in our society are against transgender people going to the gendered restroom that is not based on their biological sex, they feel the children and women will be in danger. Transgender people started to feel uncomfortable and afraid of people using physical violence to hurt them, many transgender people are avoiding of using the restrooms. The issue of gender-segregated restrooms have gained many attentions from every nation which it has raise many concerns of transgender being treated inequality to safely use the restroom. This lead to cause transgender people not using the public restrooms; Around 2015 to 2016, the state legislature have enacted in country-wide increase in the proposed legislation which has prohibit of accessing to public restrooms based on self-determined gender identity. Between 2013 and 2017, there were 24 states have considered to enacting the laws to restrict accessing to public restrooms based on biological sex. There were range of definition to an specific gender sex; There were 16 states have multiple occupied spaces of public restrooms which were separate based on the biological sex, the 13 states have specific chromosomes have taken into accounting like the Washington's Senate Bill and House Bill have permitted the transgender people whose change their gender sex base on their gender identities, and there were 4 states are requiring the gender identity to match with their birth certificates of what public restrooms they should use in.<ref name="gYuRS" />
In March 2016, North Carolina's legislature have passed the House Bill 2 of Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, which the law has indicate any individuals may only use public restrooms that correspond by listed sex on their birth certificate.<ref name"gYuRS" /> The House Bill 2 in North Carolina have repealed in 2017 which there were several states have legislatures with similar oppressive restroom bill. There were some of the arguments from some of the countries which the argument from the countries feel that this is preventing transgender people from using the public restrooms. The other countries that have against the bathroom laws, they have said that the type of legislative have created the social legal bind for transgender individuals.<ref name"gYuRS" /> There is another argument have appeared to be boarded range of gender diversity that have consistent of their gender identity. In the states who have similar bathroom laws have created another law which it is any individuals who do not follow the law is breaking the law of following the social norms based on their gender expression appearance.<ref name="gYuRS" />
The House Bill 2 was created for people to following their own birth certificate sex to be able to access the restroom, but if individuals not following the law and willing to break the law, the individuals are breaking the societal norms have related appearance and can potentially face social backlash that is gender policing and even violence.<ref name="gYuRS" /> The transgender people are mostly afraid of the backlash and violence from people if they use the public restrooms because of the issue of the law.
The increase of the need for additional non-binary which the gender can inclusive public restrooms, there were most of the restrooms have designed to be only men or women but they do have any restrooms that the transgender people can access to.<ref name"IDU9l" /> The safety of public restrooms is press social justice which it is very concerning for the LGBTQ community. There were some of the regard suggests which there were gender appearance and conformity of the social gender performance expectations is the key role in the transgender restroom experiences.<ref name"IDU9l" /> There is a research that they examining the transgenders people's experience in the public restroom; The research have found the points of the one's gender appearance is dealing with others in public restroom spaces and there is another thing that there were high frequent nature of gender policing when a person have perceived to be violent the appearance norms of accessing the public restrooms.<ref name="IDU9l" /> The public restroom spaces, the transgender people have experience some of the violence, abusive, and being denied by the people in the society because of the socially constructed the appearance.
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