Transformers x Evangelion

Transformers x Evangelion was a crossover with Transformers and Neon Genesis Evangelion with a Toy Line and a comic.
An Angel appears on Earth and the Autobots come to investigate the disturbance. The Autobots arrive in Sky Lynx and help take down the Angel. Starscream's ghost appears after being killed by Galvatron, which then possesses the Angel, becoming Angel-Scream. Optimus Prime scans Eva-01 and enlarges to its size and got its colors «
Transformers Mode "Eva" chapter 4
Transformers Mode Eva ch 4.jpg
Optimus Prime, just before upstaging Asuka.
The Angel-enhanced Starscream is shocked at Optimus Prime's new "Mode Eva" body. The other Autobots also have their own observations of surprise to share, and an anxious Sideswipe worries about the scan's effect on their commander. Prime assures his comrades that he's feeling alright, when in reality he's got an odd sensation, as if he's carrying another life force within his body.
The two giants fire volleys at each other and Optimus defends the Eva-01 from Starscream's attack, but he suddenly finds his own barrage mysteriously blocked by an energy barrier, which Misato, observing from NERV headquarters, recognizes as the A.T. Field of the Angels.
Starscream finds this power alluring, pondering if he could use it against Galvatron. But, first, he plans to make up for years of resentment against Optimus and lunges at him with his claws, following up with blasts from his null-rays. Wheeljack is alarmed by this turn of events and is soon contacted by Misato through radio waves. Misato informs Wheeljack that they do not have any other Evas prepared, and they are putting all of their hopes on to Optimus to destroy the Angel-Decepticon threat.
The Autobots attempt to come to their commander's aid, but are repelled by both Starscream's size and A.T. Field. Taking a different strategy, Bumblebee drives around Starscream's feet and dares him to catch the tiny Autobot. The Angel-Decepticon tries to give chase, but his unfamiliarity with his new form makes the attempt awkward. Misato helps by ordering the city's geometry to change, throwing Starscream further off balance.
Seizing the moment, Optimus charges the red energy from his core into his Energy Axe, slicing it through Starscream's A.T. Field, much to the Decepticon's surprise. The axe continues until it hits the Angel's core, expelling Starscream's screaming ghost into the void and causing the Angel to die as the core bleeds out red liquid.
Hours later, Optimus has returned to his original size and is at a NERV military camp, where NERV technicians have renovated Optimus's trailer to serve as a mobile maintenance facility for "Optimus Prime-Eva". The united Autobot-NERV forces realize that more Decepticons and Angels will surely come, and Optimus Prime will stand ready to defend the Earth against both threats. Misato acknowledges his words but can only look at the Transformer with both anxiety and expectation...
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