
provides consultancy and web-based software for youth soccer tournaments and CPG brands that are interested in marketing to the soccer industry. Included modules in its core software product are team applications, college coach profiles, team marketing, advertisers and vendors, hotels, planner, web store, media management, web site maintenance, scheduling, referees, and administrator access. Consultancy to the soccer tournament organization is also provided.

Companion products consist of: The Soccer Tournament Review, a blog and iTunes podcast for tournament directors, MyTournamentSpace, a photo-sharing site linked directly into the tournament game schedule and TICO Scores, a soccer tournament ranking system based on participant feedback.


TourneyCentral was launched in 1999, the first soccer tournament being the . From then, TourneyCentral grew outward in Ohio to Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, New York and westward to Colorado, Texas and Washington. A core soccer tournament web site included scores and photos as part of the schedule. In 2004, TourneyCentral released the first two studies in the Youth Soccer Tournament Marketing Series. The series analyzes data and trends provided by fourteen of their youth soccer tournaments from the period of 1999 to 2003. The papers are available on line at . In 2006, TourneyCentral and Cox Ohio Newspapers, the largest of which is the ,partnered to produce hyper local content about soccer tournaments. The stories include upcoming tournaments, local soccer news, features on local teams and players, and photos of recent events. Founder, Gerard McLean, is a frequent speaker to the industry on the topic of hyper localism. Also in 2006, TourneyCentral launched a Soccer Tournament Knowledge blog titled . The web site contains articles of interest for soccer tournament directors who are looking for best practices of the soccer tournament industry. In 2007, TourneyCentral established a Facebook profile to keep in step with the developing medium of Social Networks. According to recent studies by ,soccer is a top interest among users.

Published Works on the Soccer Tournament Industry
Soccer America Grass Roots Biz Newsletter
Oct 24, 2007: [ How to run your soccer 'biz' like a pro]
Your soccer organization may need to start running like a "real business." ...

Aug 20, 2007: [ Getting In The News: 8 Simple Rules For Success]
Your soccer organization - whether a club, tournament or team - requires press exposure to help you build value for your sponsors and potential player or team base

July 10, 2007: [ Getting more out of your brand]
As soccer grows beyond the boundaries of soccer enthusiasts and evangelists, soccer parents and players, a strong brand becomes important to the community at large

90:00 Magazine
Regional news gathered from local soccer tournaments and soccer organizations are published on the national magazine, . TourneyCentral contributes to the articles as tournaments are held in various locations. The article index appears [ here] Hyper-local Soccer Coverage
TourneyCentral's news reporters attend the soccer tournament events and gather human interest stories and photos for publication on the soccer area of and several dailies and weeklies throughout Southwest Ohio as part of Cox Newspapers. Over 50 articles of soccer and general community interest are published by the TourneyCentral editorial team per year and are archived .

Soccer Tournament Director's Resource Center
TourneyCentral also maintains a that has business, marketing, educational and event-management mini-articles for soccer tournament directors.

Major Soccer Tournaments

TourneyCentral produces approximately 100 soccer tournaments a year. Among the major events are:

Community involvement

TourneyCentral has a relationship with the and the and provides services free of charge for the events. Each year, TourneyCentral raises money for [ Ohio Special Olympics] at the polar plunge. TourneyCentral also gives back with charitable donations of time and materials are various other events in and around the Dayton, Ohio area.

Soccer Education, Workshops and Soccer Industry Trade Shows

In 2001 and 2002, with TourneyCentral presented workshops at the in Indianapolis and Atlanta in cooperation with Carol Maas, state registrar with the . The topic of the workshop was viewing your soccer tournament website as an operational tool. In 2008, TourneyCentral will be presenting a workshop on hyper-localism at the in coorperation with , Internet General Manager with .

TourneyCentral exhibits at the and the conventions annually.
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