Touhid Talukder

Touhid Talukder He as a Bangladeshi producer known as Touhid (born 10 February) He is the co-producer of the popular Bangladeshi drama series Bachelor Point. He has also produced several other plays. He is currently working on many dramas. He has been seen acting in some plays as well as being a producer. He has done a lot of work with Kajal Arfin Omi besides Bachelor Point, Whale has produced several notable plays Bachelor Eid, Mask, Bachelor Trip, X Boy Friend, X Girl Friend and many more.
Television and Web Series Produce
* Bachelor Point
* X Boy Friend
* X Girl Friend
* Mask
* Bechelor Trip
* Bechelor Eid
* Hello Baby
* Kababer Haddi
* Sunglass
* Muthophone
* Single
* Only me
* Sorry Sir
* Police
* Propose
* Lota Audio
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