Top of hand

Top of hand or Top-of-hand is a term created by Juan Isaza in 2007 to express the increasing importance of consumer involvement on building brands. Consumers love to get involved with certain brands but there are others which they don’t want to intervene. It is evident that there are brands that generate a larger interest in consumers to interact with them. There are brands which own that magic that makes consumers take their time and maybe make a small investment to produce a video or simply taking the time of building a blog or sending an ad of the brand to a group of friends.

Top-of-hand is an additional measure to top of mind and top of heart that help understand how strong the bond of the consumer with a brand is. Not only because the brand has a privileged place in their minds (top-of-mind), or either because it’s their favorite or the one they preferred (top-of-heart). Top-of-hand goes much deeper. A commitment that implies being able to give hours of your time to the brand to come up with a new model (what happens with Lego), make a TV ad, even if it is spoof of the TV ad (like those what we’ve seen done with iPod, Budweiser, Doritos, etc), some because of an invitation from the brand, others simply because of the consumers own will.

But participating or providing your “hands” for helping on building the brand is also taking time to forward a funny TV ad that found online. The famous word-of-mouth which some expert said it should now be called “Word-of-Mouse” makes up an important part of top-of-hand. Actually, the term can serve to measure the time and interest that a consumer takes to look up information on a brand they like, visit the website, give us their review on a product they bought or reading or reading some of the many articles in other consumers’ blogs. Top-of- hand will give account for the questions, which brand or brands will consumers they take time of commenting on a blog?, which brand entertains him, makes him have fun, gets him exited enough to want to make a video advertising the brand?
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