Top Hat Willy

Top Hat Willy is a 1994 platform computer game created by Tero Heikkinen for the Commodore Amiga. The objective of the game is to collect 160 pieces of trash that are scattered around the 100 room gameplay area. The rooms are set up in a 10 × 10 grid, each room connecting to its four surrounding rooms. The player has 9 lives.
The game is based on the ZX Spectrum game Jet Set Willy.
Willy arrives at his mansion after a party and has to pick up all of the pieces of trash.
Top Hat Willy is similar to Jet Set Willy. It has three controls: left, right and jump. Willy can climb stairs by jumping onto them (walking through them to avoid them). The play area itself consists of 100 rooms containing patrolling monsters, various platforms and 160 collectable objects. The collectable items glow to distinguish them from other items in the room.
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