Tomasz Krakowiak

Tomasz Krakowiak (born 1972, Tarnów, Poland) percussionist, composer. Performed and recorded with artists such as John Oswald, Alessandro Bosetti, Ireneusz Socha, Kaffe Matthews, Mike Snow, Aki Onda, Ute Völker, Phil Minton, Mike Hansen, Paul Dutton, John Butcher, Gert-Jan Prins, Pau Torres and others throughout Europe and North America e.g. Musica Genera Festival, Victoriaville FIMAV, AudioArt Festival, EMFP Japan. Influenced by experimental and electroacoustic practices, Krakowiak focuses on sonoristic qualities of idiophones. He currently lives in Toronto, Canada.
Selected discography
*"Moulins" 2012
*"A/P" 2011
*"La Ciutat Ets Tu" 2008
*"Vakar gerem keturiese prie misko, ant senu, nebenaudotu veikiancio metro begiu [Perineum#17] 2005
*Joda Clément/Pau Torres/Tomasz Krakowiak - "north north" 2012
*Rampersaud/Shaw/Martin/Neal/Krakowiak - "Halcyon Science 130410" 2011
*MiMo - "No Exit" (locked groove LP) 2010
*Joda Clément/Tomasz Krakowiak - "no one is there" compost and height 2010
*Ireneusz Socha/Tomasz Krakowiak - KITS2 "Four Years In Pieces" 2008
*Mike Hansen/Tomasz Krakowiak - Relay 2004
*John Butcher/Mike Hansen/Tomasz Krakowiak - Equation 2003
*Ireneusz Socha/Tomasz Krakowiak - KITS 2002
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