
Tinessonli is a new sport taking Rhea County, Tennessee by storm. Played on conventional tennis courts with a ball that is 4" in diameter, Tinessonli slightly resembles a hybrid of handball and tennis.
Tinessonli was created by Zac King and Kyle Thurman on January 4, 2010 in Dayton, Tennessee. Having failed in a recent attempt to build an underground room, the two pioneers of the rising generation of youth set their sights on creating the ultimate means of entertainment. Both being athletes, a sport seemed to be the ideal route to take. The local tennis courts had a large sign reading "Tennis Only" from which the sport derived its name. Playing tinessonli on city and school tennis courts, King and Thurman often drew the attention of curious passerbys. After King and Thurman taught several people how to play, pickup games began to spring up all over Rhea County, Tennessee.
Tinessonli is played with a rubber ball that is 4" in diameter in the serving squares of a conventional tennis court. A player serves from the corner of a square by throwing the tinessonli ball into the air, catching it above the head, and bouncing it once on his or her side, attempting to get the ball over the net. Once over the net, the tinessonli ball may bounce only once on the opponent's side. A player attempts to catch the ball and return it in the same manner, with one bounce on the player's side and one bounce allowed on the opponent's side. When a player drops the tinessonli ball, fails to return it over the net, or throws the ball out of bounds, that player either loses his or her opportunity to serve or the opponent gains one point. One may only score on a series which he or she began by serving.
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