Timeline in the period of the Slavic migrations

According to some Medieval authors, between 580 AD and 700 AD a great number of Slavic
tribes entered the lands of the Byzantine Empire, the groups of Slavs arrived to
the regions of Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Bulgaria,
Greece and Kosovo. The Slavs as described from the Byzantine author Procopius were
people with light blond hair, long skulled and were tall.
A German historiographer by the name of Jordanes mentions that the Venethi sub-
divided into three groups : Venethi, Antes and the Sclaveni. Later the
Sclaveni began moving southwards towards the Danube river, while the Antes began
moving southeast towards the Black Sea. These tribes as mentioned by Jordanes
all spoke a Slavic dialect.
* 518 AD - Justin I becomes Roman Emperor of Byzantium
* 525 AD - Destruction of Antioch by earthquake
* 527 AD - Justin I ends his reign as Roman Emperor of Byzantium
* 527 AD - Justinian I becomes the new Roman Emperor of Byzantium
* 532 AD - The nika riots occur near the vicinity of the city of Constantinople
* 532 AD - Construction of St Sophia church
* 535 AD - General Belisarius reconquers northern Africa
* 540 AD - Sack of Antioch
* 542 AD - Plague at Constantinople
* 548 AD - Death of Theodora
* 559 AD - Kurtigurs invade Thrace
* 562 AD - Roman peace with Persia
* 565 AD - Justin II becomes Roman Emperor of Byzantium
* 568 AD - Lombards invade Italy
* 577 AD - Balkans invaded by the Slavs and Avars
* 578 AD - Tiberius II becomes Roman Emperor of Byzantium
* 582 AD - Avars take Sirmium
* 587 AD - The Slavs penetrate into Peloponnese and near Thessalonika
* 602 AD - Phokas becomes the new Roman Emperor of Byzantium
* 610 AD - More Slavs arrive to the Balkans
* 610 AD - Heraclius becomes the new Roman Emperor of Byzantium
* 614 AD - The Persians capture Jerusalem
* 616 AD - Persian invasion of Egypt
* 623 AD - Emperor Heraclius ambushed by Avars
* 632 AD - Death of Muhammad
* 640 AD - Arab conquest of Egypt
* 647 AD - Arab invasion of Asia Minor
* 668 AD - Constantine IV Pogonatus becomes Roman Emperor
* 680 AD - Bulgarian state created by the Bulgars
* 695 AD - Leontius becomes Roman Emperor of Byzantium
* 700 AD - Arab invasion of Armenia
* 726 AD - Iconoclasm proclaimed.
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