Time and Space Limited

Time and Space Limited (TSL) is an American theatre company in Hudson, New York. Led and directed by Linda Mussmann and Claudia Bruce, the not-for-profit organization features “original theatre productions and performances, independent and documentary films, Live HD Simulcasts, youth projects, and special events.”
In 1973, Linda Mussmann founded Time and Space Limited. She was later joined by her partner Claudia Bruce in 1976. Before establishing the theatre company, the two lived in New York City and engaged in various art and theatre-related projects. One of those projects is TSL Press Mussmann Bruce Publishers wherein the duo published a few translated works of German plays. Mussman and Bruce also notably published Wrappings: Essays on Feminism, Art, & the Martial Arts, a book written by a friend of theirs, Harmony Hammond.
Mussmann and Bruce ultimately felt limited in New York City. The National Endowment for the Arts required them to sign an anti-obscenity pledge, the living costs in New York were rising, and political attitudes in the city were incredibly unwelcoming toward lesbians. These factors prompted the partners to move away. And so, Mussmann and Bruce returned $10,000 worth of funding back to the NEA and relocated to Hudson City. They found an old bakery and progressively renovated the space into a theatre over two decades.
The TSL theatre is now located at 434 Columbia Street, Hudson, NY and continues to contribute to the community by inspiring creative programs and projects.
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