Third World Network

The Third World Network (TWN) is an international research and advocacy organisation.
TWN was formed in November 1984 in Penang, Malaysia at the concluding session of an International Conference on "The Third World: Development or Crisis?" organised by the Consumers' Association of Penang and attended by over a hundred participants from 21 countries. At this conference, TWN was formed to especially strengthen cooperation among development and environment groups in the South.
Periodic publications
Third World Resurgence - a monthly magazine on development, ecology, economics, health, alternatives and South-North relations.
Third World Economics - a bi-monthly economics magazine focusing on the GATT/WTO, the World Bank/IMF, etc.
SUNS bulletin - the daily South-North Development bulletin published from Geneva, Switzerland.
TWN Features Service - a service to the media providing three features a week.
TWN's International Secretariat is in Penang (Malaysia) with offices in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Geneva (Switzerland). The Latin America Regional Secretariat is located in Montevideo (Uruguay) and the African Regional Secretariat is in Accra (Ghana).
African Division (TWN-Africa)
* Autonomous sister-organisation in Accra, Ghana
* African Agenda: TWN-Africa's flagship publication.
Uruguay Division (Red del Tercer Mundo)
* Autonomous Latin American sister-organisation
Other TWN offices are in Goa, India and Geneva, Switzerland. TWN has stationed researchers all over in Delhi, Beijing, Manila, and Jakarta.
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