Theory m

Theory M - A Theory of Leadership & Management
Theory M - X & Y
The Theory M style of leadership is one that recognizes that it is necessary to employ a variety of tactics for varying management situations. This type manager / leader is confident in his leadership abilities and understands both the scientific and artistic sides of management. This style recognizes the absolute need for power and the fact that it consists of separate components. The selection of the right type of power, or combination of power, for the proper situation is critical
This theory synthesizes Theory X and Theory Y (Douglas McGregor, The Human Side of Enterprise 1960) (and other management theories) into a universal theory of 'situational management'. The book was published in 1991 and has subsequently been translated into Japanese and Portuguese - the book has also appeared on the suggested reading list for top military commanders.
Machiavelli on Management: Playing and Winning the Corporate Power Game: by Gerald R. Griffin; Praeger Publishers, 1991. 236 pgs.
National Dominance as a trait of Theory M
The purpose of any nation is to serve its people first and others second, although, granted, the people of a nation are served by having a positive relationship with other nations.
The fact that nations conquer other nations is obvious. This can be both good and bad. But what is important to understand is that, at least in the short run, nations are more likely to be conquered through the economic might of other nations, through the productivity of their labor forces, than by the might of their military, although, from time to time they will still use their generals and armed forces to enforce their economic decisions. As indicated within the theory, victory in these battles depends upon which nation has managerial and business superiority
The M Factor: Test Your Machiavellian IQ
What is your tendency to believe in or follow the principles of Machiavelli? The quiz in the text ( Machiavelli on Management: Playing and Winning the Corporate Power Game. Contributors: Gerald R. Griffin - author. Publisher: Praeger Publishers. Place of Publication: New York. Publication Year: 1991. Page Number: 217) gives an indication of what is called the M Factor. It is designed to measure your tendency toward "Machiavellian Traits." It does not measure goodness or badness -- right or wrong. It is not a measurement of your total management style, but only a partial measurement of the type of manager
you are. It should only be used as a relative measurement -- not as a final forecast.
Challenges for the Future
hen one prince wishes to obtain something from another, he must not, when the occasion permits, give him time for deliberation. But he must act so as to make the other see the necessity of prompt deci¬sion, and that a refusal or delay may cause an immediate and dangerous indignation.
( [ The Discourses: 424)]
The Will to Power
But you and we should say what we really think, and aim only atwhat is possible, for we both alike know that into the discussion of human affairs the question of justice only enters where the pressure
of necessity is equal, and the powerful exact what they can, and the
weak grant what they must. Athenian declaration at a conference between representatives of
Athens and those of Melos in 416 B.C., according to Thucydides.
Machiavelli on Management: Playing and Winning the Corporate Power Game: by Gerald R. Griffin; Praeger Publishers, 1991 (page 5)
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