Theologian of Christianity

Theologian of Christianity is defined as a specialist in theology or a person who is an expert on theologyand a scholar who studies systematically the truth of Christianity. According to Martin Luther, truth is the Trinity God and His special revelation. Therefore, a theologian is a person who interprets and studies God's nature, his ministry, and historically formed Christian doctrines through God's revelation. In relation to the theologic theology, German theologian Gerhard Ebeling sees Christianity as "the history of biblical interpretation".  Therefore, theologians have the task of systematically studying and interpreting tradition and current themes through biblical revelation. The theologian is not one who studies scholarship for himself, but one that promotes the public good of the church (public Ecclesiae bonum induxisset).
According to the Oxford Dictionary, the theologian is a combination of the word theology and the suffix of man. Especially those who are familiar with Christian theology (theology + -an, a person versed in theology, especially Christian theology; divine). In other words, the Christian theologian is an etymologist who studies Christian theology. The existentialist philosopher Sören Kierkegaard said that the theologian is a professor who studies the afflictions of others. Jaroslav J. Pelikan claimed that the theologian was a scribe and Pharisee in the New Testament era.
Stanley James Grenz and Roger E. Olson (Who needs theology?) Are as follows. 
FOLK THEOLOGIAN is a scholar who accepts friends, family, and traditions without criticism.
LAY THEOLOGIAN is a person who critically assesses his faith and does not simply accept the beliefs of others.
MINISTERIAL THEOLOGIAN is a person who critically evaluates his faith and strongly believes in the beliefs of others.
PROFESSIONAL THEOLOGIAN is a theological vocation that teaches Christians and pastors using theological knowledge and tools.
ACADEMIC THEOLOGIAN is beneficial to professional theologians studying theology, but the works of academic theologians do not provide much help for Christians and the church.
Middle age
St. Augustine, a representative theologian of Christianity and a bishop of the North African church, defined theology as a discourse on the word of God (de divinitate rationem sive sermone). The theologian is the one who discusses God. The Roman Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas defines theology as follows. He is taught by God, taught by God, and guided to God("Theologia a Deo docetur, Deum docet, et ad Deum ducit.”), so we can discover theology from two scholars. Theologians are the first task of studying God.
Protestant Reformers
In his famous Galatians 2:14, Martin Luther says that anyone who can correctly distinguish between the law and the gospel has a reason to give thanks to God and that he is a true Christian theologian. Without this separation, Christian doctrine is impossible.Professor Han said that Luther described the right distinction between law and the gospel as the best touchstone to distinguish true theologians, "the highest art of Christianity," and "summam totius Christianae doctrinae." In Luther's 19th article in the Heidelberg thesis, he says, "A person who seeks to interpret God's invisible on the basis of all created things can not be called a theologian." In the thesis 20, "But those who are trying to understand the parts of the back of God, which mean the crucifixion and suffering, and the visible, are worthy of being called theologians. (See the Theology of the Cross.) Luther considered the social practice of the Christian faith important. According to Professor Hong, who taught Diaconia (Serving the Community) at Hanshin University, Luther understood that "Christians are the servants of all people." It is understood that there is a responsibility to practice faith by serving the Christian community that cares for the weak. See alsoList of Christian theologians
John Calvin sees the theologian as a Bible interpreter. In his preface to the Christian Forcible, he reveals that his work is to better understand the Bible. Calvin calls theologians not to imagine unbiblical things. They are those who study the Bible correctly, the word of God's truth.
Major theologians
*Some of the theologians of the Christian theology are:
**Jonathan Edwards,
**Charles Hodge
*And modern theologians :
**Abraham Kipper,
**Karl Barth,
**Emil Bruner,
*Liberation theologians
**Leonardo Bof and Gustavo Gutierrez.
* Augustine, City of God Book, VIII. I. (New York: The Modern Library, 1978).
* John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion (Philadelphia: Westminster John Knox Press; 1960).
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