The Siblinghood of the Adjoined Orbs

The Siblinghood of the Adjoined Orbs define themselves as a nonhierarchical Neo-Pagan Druid collective.
They were formed in 1999 on the Isle of Wight.
Their claim is that their beliefs are rooted in Arthurian legend. Privately (and as a consequence, unverifiably) they practise seasonal rituals / ceremonies linked to animal spirits, the sun and the second moon of the earth
Their most significant annual event is the Feast of Coos D'Ard which is held on the Isle of Wight and dictated by the date range that overlaps the Zodiac sign of Virgo and the beginning of the meteorological autumn on 1 September.
Fifteen members of the group claim to have been arrested in 2007 after trying to break into the site of the Bestival Festival at Robin Hill Theme Park, citing access rights “pursuant to religious pilgrimage”.
In a press release the group claimed responsibility for Bestival being a wash out in 2008 (with a months' worth of rain falling in 24 hours) because of “a curse on the heathens that attend this irreverent and evil music festival" and that "the heavens had responded to their calls".
Two members of the group were reportedly arrested and questioned in 2009 under anti-terrorism laws following further disturbances, but were freed without charge.
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