Many entities refer to a specific geography that is resource-rich as 'The Saudi Arabia of ', referring to Saudi Arabia's vast oil resources and its dominant role in the oil economy. For example, the United States of America is considered 'the Saudi Arabia of Coal' because of its mass production, usage and reserves of coal.
Listed are some other variations of the title 'Saudi Arabia of'.
The Saudi Arabia of Coal - The United States of America The Saudi Arabia of Wind - The Dakotas (North Dakota and South Dakota), USA The Saudi Arabia of Solar Power - The US Southwest The Saudi Arabia of Wood - Idaho, USA The Saudi Arabia of Uranium - Canada, Australia and the Navajo Nation The Saudi Arabia of Corn - The American Plains The Saudi Arabia of Geothermal Energy - Colorado and Nevada, USA The Saudi Arabia of (Sugar Cane derived) Ethanol - Brazil The Saudi Arabia of (Corn derived) Ethanol - The United States of America The Saudi Arabia of Natural Gas - Russia and Qatar The Saudi Arabia of Manufacturing - China The Saudi Arabia of Orange Juice - Brazil The Saudi Arabia of Wheat - The United States of America The Saudi Arabia of Oil Shale - The United States of America The Saudi Arabia of Tar Sands - Alberta, Canada The Saudi Arabia of Water - Canada and The Pacific Northwest The Saudi Arabia of Platinum group metals - Russia The Saudi Arabia of World Tidal energy - The Pentland Firth, Scotland The Saudi Arabia of LNG - Qatar The Saudi Arabia of Cattle Manure - Hereford, Texas, in the Texas Panhandle