The Place Within

The Place Within is an alternative 5-piece band from Greece.
Formed in 2005 in the city of Patras, they have since played to various festivals (European music day), live stages and clubs in Greece. They recorded their first LP 'RebellionStartsFromThePlaceWithin' at noise box studios in 2008. The songs of the LP WhiteDressedGuests and RunAway were also used on a short film based on the lyrical imagery of the song WhiteDressedGuests, called RUN AWAY and directed by Maria Chatzigianni. The film was shot for the Athens 48 hour film festival 2008 and won the award for best music for film on the competition. They have also participated in Coca-Cola soundwave volume 2, making it to the top 20 for the time being. Members of the band also make music for other side projects like LogOut (alex logout's solo project), Paint On Silence (a 2-piece post rock band, of the band's bassist agamemnon) and Renovatio (solo project of Konstantinos).
Band members
*Alex Logout
*George Tsampras
*Agamemnon Krasoulis
*Konstantinos Theodosopoulos
*Orestis Petrakis
RebellionStartsFromThePlaceWithin: LP consisting of the songs RunAway, WebNationality, WhiteDressedGuests, IDKIDC
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