The Place Names of Upper Deeside

The Place Names of Upper Deeside is a book by Adam Watson and Elizabeth Allen about the Gaelic place names in upper part of western Aberdeenshire known as Deeside. In many ways, this book is a continuation and expansion of work all ready in progress as presented in the The Cairngorms. In the 1975 edition, which Adam Watson rewrote, he writes :

The most accurate pronunciations are given by older local people who have lived all their lives in a small area and whose parents also lived there. Many of those who know the area well as climbers nevertheless err when pronouncing a lot of the place names

The Cairngorms (1975) (p 21)

The book's flaws include an inconsistent use of English, and Scots in the translations - allt is translated to burn ; alltan to burnie ; but caochan is translated to streamlet. Similarly the Bràigh in Am Bràigh Riabhach is translated to upland, while the Bhruthach in A' Bhruthach Mhór is translated to brae - leaving readers to speculate on the possible significance of these inconsistencies.
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