The Octa Galaxy

The Octa Galaxy is a fictional galaxy created by Chris Nahrgang that is very similar to the Star Wars galaxy. It contains eight inhabitable planets. Its outer rim is approximately 12 trillion miles away from the Milky Way Galaxy’s outer rim.

The Octa Galaxy was discovered by scientists of the Union of Earthen Nations. They sent a satellite to explore the bordering galaxy in the year 2298, hoping to find life. When it returned in 2310, it had pictures of planets with water and plants, but no humanoid creatures. In the year 2312, the Union sent a ship to explore the galaxy. This ship arrived on a planet later named Ceptal in the year 2313. When they landed, they discovered that the planet was inhabited by hundreds of small furry creatures that called themselves Mawangas. After some dispute, agreement between the two was accomplished. This would eventually be the Mawangas demise, as they would be wiped out by the year 2326. By 2316, major settlements had been built on the four islands of the planet and other planets were being settled.

Current and Past Planets
Although, traditionally, there are eight main planets in the Octa Galaxy, there are technically eleven. The traditional eight are the following.

Da Fluten (DÅ? FlÅ?Å?tÇ?n`)
Tamzar (TÅ?m` zär)
Hosae (HÅ? zÄ?`)
Shockagia (Shä kÄ?` zshÄ“ Å­)
Podomsi (PÅ?` dÉ™m sÄ«)
Ceptal (Sĕp` təl)
Zartook (ZÉ™r tÅ?Å?k`)
Zeus (ZÅ?Å?s)

The other three planets consist of two that were destroyed by a super-laser in the year 3007 and a newly discovered planet that doesn’t have any oxygen, but has a variety of other gases. These planets follow respectively.

Legosia (LÉ™ gÅ?` zshÄ“ É™)
Oceania (Ō shən` ē ə)
Ractus (Răk` təs)

Planet Descriptions
Below are thorough descriptions of the eight traditional planets.

Da Fluten
Da Fluten is located at A5 on a standard star chart. Although a one point it was covered in vast swamplands and jungles, it is no longer. Explorers from Earth, such as Frederick Da Fluten for whom this planet is named, built large communities and thriving cities. It is now a center of learning and technological advancement.

Tamzar is located at B2 on a standard star chart. It is ruled by primitive yet technologically advanced tribes. The Tamzarian tribes are the creators of the language Tamzarish which has become widely used throughout the western half of the galaxy. The geography of Tamzar includes large rainforests and a small desert. The Tamzarian tribes were able to survive being conquered because their system entered the galaxy during a widespread galactic war. The explorers weren’t able to bring armies with them to Tamzar so they made friends with the tribes.

Hosae is located at B6 on a standard star chart. Its huge rainforests and plains have survived colonization and many wars. It is ruled by an extremely peaceful government that focuses on preventing wars all over the galaxy.

Shockagia is located at C6 on a standard star chart. Its surface is covered by hundreds of active volcanoes. It is ruled by Voltagers, tall thin creatures with enormous memory capacity which makes them extremely creative and intelligent. The Voltagers operate and live in a mining facility that mines for shockite and firite deep in the planet’s crust. Shockite is a sturdy igneous rock that releases several volts of electricity when exposed to extremely low temperatures. Firite is a flakey metamorphic rock made from shockite that contains Cobic cells used in energy production. Both rocks can come in many colors but are most commonly red.

Podomsi is located at D4 on a standard star chart. It is covered by a never-ending ocean. It is inhabited by Halfuls, Voltager outcasts, who take pride in their amazing cities built on humongous stilts in the ocean and the clone armies they grow and sell which supply them with bountiful amounts of money. Although the Halfuls are extremely successful, Voltagers still despise them.

Ceptal is located at D8 on a standard star chart. Like Podomsi, it is covered by a vast ocean, but unlike Podomsi, there are four islands in the ocean. These islands are West Tahooga, East Tahooga, Lighthouse Isle, and, larger than the other three combined, Tangoonu. Ceptal is controlled by the Ceptalian Island Union. The CIU uses Ceptal as a base to mount their attacks on the galaxy from. Although they have started countless wars, they have never been successful in conquering another planet. Recently, the people of East Tahooga have rebelled against the CIU, created their own government, and made East Tahooga a center of trade and learning.

Zartook is located at E6 on a standard star chart. It is a frozen wasteland covered in snow and ice. It contains one river that spans from pole to pole. It is ruled by the Kessian government which regulates trade, taxes, borders, and protects the planet from invasion. It has recently been discovered that Zartook is rich in white shockite and white firite. When the planet was discovered, it was found that it supported no life, but in the year 3007, scientists found tracks left behind by some sort of humanoid creature accompanied by large mammals. So far, no other evidence has been found.

Zeus is located at F4 on a standard star chart. It is covered by an extremely large city that spans the entire planet. This city is a center of trade, commerce, technological advancement, and knowledge. Zeus is also a center of diplomatic negotiations and peace. It is ruled by the Galactic Union. Zeus is the main producer of new technology.

Non-traditional Planets
The following are descriptions of the three non-traditional planets.

Legosia was a world covered by forests. It was once the home world of the Legosians, a race of large, strong, battle-ready humanoids. When Legosia was discovered, the humans battled the Legosians for control of the planet and their superior technology came through. They killed most of the Legosians and captured the rest. The DNA of the captured Legosians would later be used to create clone armies. After these settlers succeeded from Eagle Country (a union of established Octa countries), they formed a new nation called Stotland. Over the next hundreds of years, Stotland proved to be a major warring country. Eventually, this warring became fatal to the planet when a supercomputer under control of an enemy army hacked into a planetary super-laser built by Stotland that could destroy planets. It set the laser to destroy Da Fluten, which was allied with Stotland at the time. A squad of Stotland troops managed to capture the laser from the enemy army. In a desperate attempt to save Da Fluten, the soldiers reprogrammed the laser the only way possible: random target selection. The laser randomly re-aimed, and to the squad’s grief, aimed at Alpha, a nearby star. The squad, along with the rest of their legion, managed to escape the planet before the star exploded in 3007. The tremendous force from the explosion destroyed Legosia, as well as Oceania.

Oceania was a twin of Podomsi. Its characteristics were exactly the same. It was also used as a cloning facility by the Halfuls like Podomsi was. Oceania was more of a production planet than Podomsi and had few homes. It was destroyed by the Stotland Super-Laser in 3007.

Ractus was discovered in 3008 by President Black of Hexagon Corporation. It is not technically classified as a planet because it doesn’t orbit a star. Ractus floats unrestricted in space, yet somehow seems to remain around a certain sector. It also contains no water and is a barren, dark desert world. It has no oxygen but does have gases needed to support life native to the Octa Galaxy. This makes it a perfect place for anti-human organizations to live.


The Unruly Era (2313-2500)
During this time, the Octa Galaxy was being settled and no official governments existed except for Stotland. In the year 2403, Stotland took control of Ceptal and other planets soon fell to Stotland afterwards.

The Stotish Era (2500-2700)
By the year 2500, Stotland controlled the entire Octa Galaxy with its Legosian elected king. The Stotish king made ruthless decisions that normally only benefited Legosia, the capital planet of Stotland. One king, Kris Norok, reorganized Stotland into the Stotish Empire. Unfortunately for Norok, this caused most planets of Stotland to realize they needed to break away. Zeus, after a bitter war, broke away first and called themselves the United Lands. Then Da Fluten and Hosae followed. Other planets tried to break away, but couldn’t defeat the Empire’s new clone army. When Tohta, a wise Stotlander, was elected to the throne in 2700, he ended the Empire and relinquished all other planets to the United Lands. Overwhelmed by such a large territory to govern, the United Lands freed all the planets.

The Free Era (2700-2950)
During the Free Era, each planet had its own government. It was during this era that Legosia was destroyed, ending the threat that Stotland might take over again. From the beginning of this era to its end, wars and death spanned the galaxy. In 2946, Zartook decided to join the United Lands to protect themselves from wars. Others planets soon followed Zartook’s example. By the year 2948, the entire galaxy was under control of the United Lands. Again, the United Lands felt overwhelmed, but this time they made a better choice.

The Galactic Union Era (2950-3006)
This time, the United Lands reorganized themselves into the Galactic Union. Its new government was comprised of two branches: the senatorial branch and the judicial branch. The senatorial branch was the new Galactic Senate. It had an elected senatorial governor, an elected senator from each planet, and representatives from organizations, labor unions, and major companies. The judicial branch was the new Federal Court. It had an elected supreme judge, an elected judge from each planet, and two elected lawyers from each planet. The Galactic Senate was supposed to resolve conflicts between planets. The Federal Court was supposed to resolve conflicts between private citizens. The planets were free to elect their own governments to govern their own citizens. This era was very peaceful until the year 3006.

The Hexagon Corporation Era (3006-present)
In the year 3006, Hexagon Corporation began building a powerful droid army. By late 3006, it was ready to attack a planet. On a cold morning in 3007, they launched a massive attack on Tamzar and overwhelmed the Union soldiers there. They built a base there to launch their future attacks from. They also took over Shockagia, where the corporation’s headquarters were. Many senators were alarmed by these actions, but the majority saw it as a minor threat and dismissed the proposition of counter-attacking. This was a major mistake. Hexagon Corporation went on to capture Zartook, Ceptal, Podomsi, Da Fluten, Hosae, and discovered Ractus. The outcome of this conflict is unclear.

Creatures of the Octa Galaxy
The Octa Galaxy is home to many fascinating creatures, some not even discovered yet. This lists them alphabetically.

Asteroid Worm
These dangerous parasites are most feared by pilots. Despite their name, they are not restricted to asteroid fields, as once thought. They are small white worms with large mouths that can be as wide as their body length. They float around in space waiting for food to pass by. They can survive for months without food, which can be almost anything. The main reason pilots fear them is because they can stick to ships and feed on the ship’s energy by attacking exposed power cords. As they feed, they grow larger, and consume food quicker to meet the needs of their larger body. If an Asteroid Worm stays attached too long, it can destroy the ship’s engine.

Dolli are large furry creatures native to Da Fluten, although they thrive on Hosae as well. They are almost the same in proportions to Mawangas, but they are larger and smarter than Mawangas. When the Dolles nations were discovered, many humans were amazed by the similarity between their minds and human minds. Because of this similarity, most Dolles tribes were left alone and not exposed to the outside world. Many humans still wonder how some Dolli got to Hosae.

Halful was a name given to Shockagian outcasts. The Halful home world is Shockagia, but most Halfuls were born on Podomsi, where their ancestors moved after being exiled. They were best known for making and selling massive clone armies.

Humans are mammals that took control of the Octa Galaxy during the Space Exploration Era. Their home world is Earth. Humans discovered the Octa Galaxy while most other creatures didn’t know anything about space. Although, they were the first to control the galaxy, many other non-humans began to take back the galaxy. This is not only due to the work of anti-human organizations, but also powerful non-humans that invested in important industries.

The Legosians were large, strong, battle-ready creatures that were native to Legosia. They sported square battle armor made of a thick wood. When Legosia was discovered, the humans fought the Legosians and struck a major victory. Most of the Legosians were killed. The rest were captured to be shipped to Ceptal for examination. While en route to Ceptal, the ship was attacked by Halfuls that stole the creatures. They later used DNA samples from these Legosians to make massive clone armies. The Legosians then lived in disgrace forever as clones.

Mawangas were small furry creatures that humans encountered when they landed on Ceptal. They lived in small tribes. They became extinct due to conflict with humans in the year 2326.

Scroll Beetle
The Scroll Beetle is a beetle with wings that unroll like scrolls. It is native to Tamzar. It can be red, black, or green. It became an endangered species in 3005.

Green Seadragon
The Green Seadragon is a large fish with wing-like flippers. It has the appearance of a dragon. It is native to Podomsi and Oceania. It is most commonly green but is sometimes blue. It rules the seas of Podomsi with its speed, strength, size, and powerful appearance. The Green Seadragon population is considerably large.

Shockagians are tall hairless humanoids with powerful brains and one eye. Although they are living beings, their energy source is similar to electricity. They have only three organs: brain, energy regulator, and voice box. Their voice box sits where humans have their tongues. They don’t have teeth. They don’t have a digestive system. They don’t breathe. They do have a circulation system, but it circulates electrical energy instead of blood. The organ of their circulation system is their energy regulator. It makes sure they don’t have too much or too little energy. If they have too much, it makes the energy escape their body into the air through holes in their skin similar to sweat glands. If they have too little, it absorbs energy from their surroundings through the same holes. Shockagians come in several shades of brown and orange. Their home world is Shockagia. Their national guardsmen wear loosely fitting chain-mails and a tough metal helmet. Government officials and powerful businessmen usually wear a long, thin, synthetic feather on their head to signify leadership. Shockagians are the most civilized species native to the Octa Galaxy. They have their own spoken language. Its written form has been converted by humans so it uses English letters and symbols.

Squarehead Shark
Squarehead Sharks are named for their easily seen square heads. They are native to Ceptal. A few Squarehead Shark attacks have happened, but usually their large square heads are seen from the shore and lifeguards remove people from the water. Squarehead Sharks are normally blue. Any that are other colors are probably mutated.

The word Tamzarish usually refers to the native tribes of Tamzar. They closely resemble early Native Americans. Most scientists say that they classify as humans. They invented a written language (also called Tamzarish) that is still used by the western half of the galaxy.

The word Podomsian normally refers to the Shockagians of Podomsi, also called Halfuls
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