The Myth of National Defense

The Myth of National Defense is a book edited by Hans-Hermann Hoppe, published in 2003 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and contributed to by various anarcho-capitalist and libertarian authors, about the merits of replacing government defense agencies with private defense agencies. Hoppe himself argues that it is dangerous to give monopoly power over the use of force to any entity, as there is then nothing to prevent it from being abused. The chapter by Larry J. Sechrest argues that privateering provides historical examples of how private defense forces were actually superior to government naval forces in many ways, including the well-being of the sailors; the less destructive nature of this sort of conflict; etc. Contrasting the book to Hoppe's Democracy: The God That Failed, Andy Duncan, notes, "Its one drawback is that it does lack the organic unity of the Professor's earlier book on democracy, mainly because he failed to write the whole thing himself."
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