The Mahfouz Foundation

The Mahfouz Foundation is a registered charity in the United Kingdom (Registered Charity Number 1149924). According to its website, and its listing on the Charity Commission, The Mahfouz Foundation was established on 27 November 2012 to promote and advance the education of the public in the United Kingdom in the culture, history, language, literature and institutions of the Middle East.
­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­The Mahfouz Foundation was founded by HE Mahfouz Marei Mubarak bin Mahfouz (born 14 December 1969), a Saudi Arabian businessman and philanthropist living in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in the United Kingdom. The founder is known to have links with University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Pembroke College Oxford, Wolfson College Cambridge,
The Mahfouz Forum
The Mahfouz Forum is an annual conference hosted by Pembroke College, University of Oxford. Whilst run by the Fellows of Pembroke College, the event is sponsored by The Mahfouz Foundation and is attended by leading international academics, and aims to provide an inter-disciplinary approach to subjects. Robotics was the subject of the Mahfouz Forum 2013, organised by Professor Ingmar Posner (Dr Ingmar Posner at the time). The keynote lecture When will your robot do what my bird does?, given by Professor Alex Kacelnik, FRS, was of particular note as it brought together academics from a wide range of disciplines usually considered unrelated.
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