The Long Term Effects of Video Games on Children

The effects of violent video games on children has been a long debate among researchers, scientists, politicians, parents, and more. The debate at hand is whether violent video games cause both short and longer term negative effects. There are several different issues related to such a study. First, there is an issue of classification. Some of these categories include violent adults who played violent video games as children, violent adults who did not play violent video games as children, docile adults who played violent video games as children, and finally, docile adults who did play violent video games as children. With such an extensive categorization system, pinpointing the root of violence in the four categories is virtually impossible and violates the idea of ceteris paribus.
The Debate
Those who believe that violent video games negatively impact children's future argue that this is so because children become desensitized. One NPR corespondent, Shankar Vedantam, stated that "compared to people in the real world who are gentle and compassionate, students playing these games seem to be mean and hurtful."
Others, however, believe that violent video games today are the equivalent of violent comic books yesterday. This argument states that comic books that children were reading a few generations ago were just as graphic as the video games children are playing today and since the children of yesterday’s generation turned out fine, there will be similar results from the young video gamers today.
A solution
Such a study is more difficult than the average one because this study involves a question of ethics. There would have to be an extensive pool of research participants observed from the time they are children to the time they are adults in order for such a survey to be accurate in its entirety.
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