The Long Emergency Plan

The Long Emergency Plan is designed to be used in the event of a catastrophic world-wide disaster, such as a virulent pandemic or global economic collapse. The Plan was first made public in 2009, a time which had wide-spread fears about economic collapse during the Great Recession as well as additional fears about the 2009 flu pandemic. The information about the Long Emergency Plan is currently spreading by word-of-mouth and social media, including several websites which have posted links for their readers to the Long Emergency Plan's website or have copied & re-posted the entire text of the Long Emergency Plan, indicating that some members of the general public are sharing the information as a method of dealing with a world-wide crisis, as a result of fears about an economic collapse. An economic collapse typically results in a turbulent era for populations and the Long Emergency Plan's stated intention is to circumvent the problem of disorganization and confusion during a catastrophic event.
The Long Emergency Plan states that it is based on "organic social structuring", a way of organizing a number of individuals into a group that works together in a non-hierarchical manner. This method is in contrast with some emergency management plans, which typically call for the establishment of a leader and a chain of command. The Plan calls for five (5) persons minimum, with each person focusing on a specific area of the group's needs, such as security, medical issues, resource acquisition, bartering, etc. These persons are referred to as Coordinators. A group is recommended to not grow larger then approximately 150+ individuals, otherwise the large group must split into two smaller groups in order to maintain coherency. The collection of several of these groups is referred to as a Community.
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