The Little Mermaid III (working title) is an animated feature film, a second direct-to-video sequel to the 1989 animated film The Little Mermaid after 2000's The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea. It was once thought to be cancelled, but the rumor was debunked after the October 2006 Platinum Edition DVD release of The Little Mermaid was revealed to include a sneak peek of the film.
It is slated for a 2007/2008 release.
The movie will be the final direct-to-video sequel produced by Disney, as, on June 22, 2007, the Walt Disney Co. announced a major restructuring of its animation department, which included a decision to stop producing their "lucrative yet lower quality" direct-to-DVD sequels spawned by the studio's most successful feature titles.
Voice cast
*Jodi Benson - Ariel *Parker Goris - Flounder *Rob Paulsen - Prince Eric/Swifty *Kenneth Mars - King Triton (Ariel's father) *Sally Field - New Character *Kari Wahlgren - Alana (one of Ariel's sisters) *Tara Strong - Ariel's sisters