The Libertarian Program

The Libertarian Program is a multi-year project to document, in a usable set of tools for different purposes, Libertarian non-governmental and voluntary solutions and proposals, and the methods of attaining them, including real experience in the field. Every section of the Libertarian Party Platform is being expanded with illustrative examples of Libertarian or Libertarian-direction alternatives already functional and by local groups, and will be the cheapest outreach material ever produced.

It is slated for completion in June 2008. Begun by the USA LP Program Committee, it has generated an international contact group authorized by the Libertarian International Organization, and wide testing and refinement of materials. It in effect will state the 'LBOK' or Libertarian Body of Knowledge as a project management tool, and the state of the art of Libertarian knowledge 'as of the dawn of the Third Millennium.'

The Program Contact group intends to convert into a documentation group to continue assessing and documenting Libertarian replacements of government programs.

The effort of the Committee to present the ultimate go-to documents of both the trend and practice of Libertarianism has been considerable. It has been pointed out that it is also the first actual assessment of the typical status of government programs-- by key indicators such as choice, quality, cost, and meeting their stated goals-- in history, at least following the areas of concern expressed in the Libertarian Platform. The Libertarians were given access to government studies of several consulting firms.

The various Program documents form a system for study, implementation and team development called the Libertarian Program Resource Tool (LPRT). There are over two dozen mutually supporting items tested for different outreach situations; booths, speaking engagements, candidates, and so forth. All reflect in some way the ten areas of program action which unfold into the Libertarian Platform and then detailed Libertarian Implementaion guides for a variety of purposes suitable to developing action groups.
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