The Jellyfish Kid (Kamp Koral)

"The Jellyfish Kid" is the first episode of Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years. It originally premiered on on March 4, 2021. The episode will also premiere on Nickelodeon on September 10, 2021. In this episode, a young SpongeBob is determined to catch his first jellyfish, so his friends do whatever they can to help him.
The episode starts by seeing a jellyfish in the sky. Then a net is seen in the grass and hear SpongeBob's laughter. After failing twice to catch jellyfish. SpongeBob leaps into the air trying to catch the jellyfish. Then he catches it, and a sign says "FIRST CATCH!" with a net catching a jellyfish on the right of it. As the jellyfish in SpongeBob's net claps, we find out it was all a dream, and he actually has his alarm clock in his net instead of a jellyfish. He implies that it was an occurrent dream, but today he will make it come true as he circle the calendar day that says "Jelly Fishing TODAY!!!". He pulls his underwear up to reveal his clothes, clenches his head to get his hat out, and jumps down to put on his shoes. He tells Patrick that its the first day of jelly fishing, but he tells him to "tell the ballerinas that he caught the gorilla. Then goes to Sandy's dome to tell her it's jelly fishing day, and she karate chops him out of surprise.
And while he still sleeps, SpongeBob takes out counsellor Squidward out, and as he takes him out, SpongeBob says that the jelly fishing badge will be his, and continues pushing Squidward. He goes past the entrance to Kamp Koral, collects a metal cover from a trashcan, then stops, takes out a clarinet, and scares Squidward awake to blow his clarinet and wake up all the campers, and uses the cover to protect Squidward from rocks thrown by the kids. When Squidward gets hit by bottle, SpongeBob tells him its the first day of jelly fishing season. Then, it switches to Larry who is exercising some kids, and SpongeBob tells him facts about jellyfish, and when he tells him jellyfish can lift more than their weight, Larry says that he's stronger than a jellyfish and gets the kids to get on his back, but he can only do 2 push-ups before giving up. As Bubble Bass was giving showers to everyone, SpongeBob tells him that jellyfish are older than dinosaurs, and SpongeBob fills up with water until he lets it out. Then we see Plankton serving slop to the kids and Sandy asks what it is but he can't tell her because he can't use that language. When he serves SpongeBob his slop, SpongeBob is very happy because he'll catch his first jellyfish.
Then we are seen at Jelly Meadow where the campers will be jelly fishing soon. Sandy comments on how great SpongeBob's net is, and he says it blows bubble as he blow a jellyfish-shaped bubble and tries to catch it, so sandy says its as handy "as a hip pocket on a hog" . As the rest of the campers join them, Counselor Squidward comes and tries to tell that its the first day of jellyfishing season, but SpongeBob hyperactively says it, while still jumping in place still hyperactive. Before Squidward could blow his whistle, SpongeBob just ran to the meadow, then returns, and Squidward asks him if he needs to use the outhouse. He said no, but patrick said that he did, so Squidward let him, but SpongeBob was biting his net anxiously. When Patrick returns, Squidward asks if everyone's ready, and SpongeBob leaps in the air and says that he's ready. But Patrick said that he left his net in the bathroom, and goes, while SpongeBob grabbed Sandy's net abnd bit them both anxiously. After a while, patrick comes back, and forgets what their doing, so Squidward tells him tells him about his net, but Patrick says that he already has one. Right when Squidward was going to blow the whislte, patrick says that he left the stove on, but SpongBob tells him there is no stove, so Patrick asks what the holdup is. So Squidward turns bright red and is about to blow the whistle, and SpongeBob gets ready to run, Squidward gets his mouth ready to blow, and before he could blow, an announcement was made that said that SpongeBob's mother was calling him.
So he feels sad but can't choose between his mother, and the jellyfish, so Squidward turns him around and says the phone, so SpongeBob goes to Camp Counselor Krab's office. He opens the door running, but trips on Pearl's bottle, gets stuck on the ceiling fan, gets hit and extends krab's file cabinet all the way to jelly meadow, but the cabinet retracts, and lands in the middle of krab's desk, but when he stands up, he blows the paperwork away. When he finishes, Mr. Krabs yells at him to answer the phone, After his mother talks to him a little, he asks why she called, but she cant remember why, which makes him yell. As he spots a jellyfish, he attempts to talk to his mom, while cathing the jellyfish. As perch perkins narrates what he's doing, SpongeBob goes through class, canoeing, then landing in jelly meadow, still trying to catch the jellyfish. As he goes, the telephone cord ties around the place, and he finally stops, his mother asks if he finally caught a jellyfish yet, but he notices the kids caught in the telephone cord. As he let go of the phone, the kids that got tied with the cord went with it.
As he tries to catch jellyfish in the meadow, he catches other stuff, like a volleyball, Plankton's college fund, a toaster. While Patrick gets a piece of tast, and a jellyfish to get either jam of jelly, SpongeBob says that he wanted that jellyfish, so Patrick tries to help him by holding his jellyfish. He tried catching it, but was too far, so Patrick told him to stand closer, bend his knees, take a deep breath, blow his nose, squint his eyes, and put his jelly face on, but still didn't get his jellyfish, so Patrick but it in for him, but it was now over him instead of the net. After he says he's the worst jellyfisher ever, Parick tries to comfort him. After he leaves, he goes past the other campers who have 1 or more jellies in there nets. while one follows him, and after he tries to catch him, he caught Squidward's head, and folds his chair with him still in it, and asks him for advice. So Squidward told him to go into the cave for jellyfish, but it was actually a hive of jellyfish, and when he returned, his whole body was stined, and the jellyfish went after Squidward.
When it is nearly night-time, SpongeBob sees all the campers that have caught a jellyfish and is not sad. Sandy notices this and wants to do something. The next morning, they paint Squidward pink, put him in a bowl, and convince him to act like a jellyfish. They dangled him from a fish line, and made him dance like a jelly to let SpongeBob catch it. Patrick went to tell SpongeBob that theirs a "big ugly" jellyfish. After they found it, SpongeBob tried to catch it, but the line broke, so Squidward was on the loose. When he landed, SpongeBob was about to catch him when a big eye opened, and a rock-like monster ate Squidward. So SpongeBob, Patrick and Sandy chased the monster all the way to camp, destroying things in its way, and past the canteen, SpongeBob tried to talk to the monster, but it ate him. After landing in the monsters stomach, SpongeBob found Squidward, and he blew a bubble that expanded until it was so big, the monster let it go and the bubbler contained SpongeBob and Squidward. Everyone clapped, until the bubble popped and the soap went into their eyes. The monster left when sandy offered some of Plankton's slop.
When Squidward got out of the bowl, he was but in by patrick as he said that SpongeBob caught his first jellyfish, but Mr. Krabs said that since fake jellyfish don't count, he didn't get his jellyfishing badge, but he did get the-saving-a-counselor-from-a-monster badge. When nighttime fell, a jellyfish brought Squidward a flower thinking it was a jellyfish, but flew away when he was not. When we switch to the gang, sandy asks why there is a saving-a-counselor-from-a-monster badge and if its often. The episode ends with SpongeBob saying that he will catch a jellyfish one day, and when he does, he will release it, and while he says that, dozens of jellyfish come out of his back, and his friends are amazed while the jellyfishes fly away.
"The Jellyfish Kid" was written by Kaz, with Brian Morante serving as storyboard director. Sherm Cohen and Dave Cunningham served as supervising directors. The episode originally premiered on Paramount+ on March 4, 2021. "The Jellyfish Kid" and 5 other episodes premiered on the rebranded Paramount+, a rebranding of ViacomCBS’ existing subscription video-on-demand and live streaming service, CBS All Access. The episode will also premiere on Nickelodeon on September 10, 2021. The first episode is also the first double-length episode of Kamp Koral. The episode will also precede The Smurfs that will also debut on the same night. The episode is a parody to the 1984 film The Karate Kid.
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