The Inseparables is a 2023 computer-animated adventure comedy film produced by nWave Pictures, written by Bob Barlen and Cal Brunker and directed by Jérémie Degruson. It is based on an original story by Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow. This animated buddy movie follows the misadventures of Don, a runaway puppet with a boundless imagination and DJ Doggy Dog, an abandoned stuffed animal toy in need of a friend, as they cross paths in Central Park and pair up against all odds for an adventure of friendship in New York City. The feature is set to be a fun journey of adventures between reality and fantasy for the whole family, delivering an uplifting message about the emancipating power of imagination and friendship. Production Development In May 2022, nWave Pictures president and CEO Matthieu Zeller announced that A contracorriente was co-producing on nWave's new animated feature film The Inseparables based on a story created by Joel Cohen and Alec Sokolow. Its screenplay, on the other hand is the work of Bob Barlen and Cal Brunker. Matthieu Zeller confirmed that nWave Pictures and Scanbox had closed a deal making Scanbox the only distributor for Scandinavian countries for the three future nWave's movies: “We’re proud to bring our collaborations with trustworthy European distributors one step further through this multi-year agreement with our Scandinavian partner Scanbox,”. Music The pop-rock trio Puggy has started composing the score for the film, continuing their collaboration with nWave Pictures after The Son of Bigfoot, Bigfoot Family and Chickenhare and The Hamster of Darkness.