The Hope Movement

The Hope Movement is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Erie, Pennsylvania that is distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to families in developing nations. The organization was founded in 2011 by Tyler Cook and Andrew Slane, philanthropists and bandmates.
The Hope Movement works on a one-for-one basis similar to TOMS Shoes. For every article of clothing the organization sells, an insecticide-treated mosquito net is provided to a family in need. The organization also directly accepts donations, of which 100% goes to purchasing mosquito nets for distribution. All operating costs are covered by the organization's clothing sales. The mosquito nets the Hope Movement provides are currently being distributed through a free health clinic in Pemba, Mozambique, that is operated by IRIS Ministries, a partner non-profit organization founded by Heidi Baker. As the organization grows, nets will be distributed to other facilities operated by IRIS Ministries.
The organization has three full-time staff members, one intern, and a host of volunteers that have become part of the movement.
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