The Hope Line

The Hope Line (a.k.a. La Linea de la Esperanza and The Resource Center for Community Development, Inc.) is a non-profit organization in the South Bronx in New York City established in 1990 that mostly serves immigrants from Latin America.
After the Happyland Fire in March 1990, Bishop Francisco Garmendia, Vicar of the South Bronx, and Mr. James P. McLaughlin, President of United Parcel Service, led the effort to establish community assistance; this started with a bilingual telephone counseling and referral service but has grown to include a diaper distribution program, a food pantry, a SNAP benefit enrollment office, virtual taxes, financial literacy workshops and referral services.
The HopeLine is affiliated with Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York. It is currently located at 884 East 163rd Street Bronx, NY 10459.
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