The Girl Whose Muscles are Turning to Bone

The Girl Whose Muscles are Turning to Bone is a documentary filmed by Virginia Quinn. It is a British documentary about Luciana Wulken, a young girl that suffers from a rare disease called fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). This film gives a deeper look into this disease and brings more awareness to it. Through Luciana we get more insight of the life she lives with this condition and how it affects her daily life and future challenges.
Luciana Wulken is 7 years old during the filming of this documentary. She has fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, which is a rare condition in which the muscles turn into bone. Luciana's mother, Pina, lives with Luciana and takes care of her. She also takes Luciana to different doctors appointments. Pina worries for Luciana's life and how she will grow up with this condition.
During the course of this film we learn about Luciana's history with this condition. When Luciana was born she was able to hold her head up unlike other babies that have their heads held because of the soft muscles in their necks. However, in Luciana's case her back muscles has fused into bone making her stiff from a young age. Luciana's biceps and underarms have locked making it impossible for her to scratch her head. This condition tends to affect areas that are swollen or gone through a serious trauma the patients have "flare ups" when the muscles start becoming bone.
In this film there are people with the same condition that are documented. Robert Brian Kinghorn is 55 and he is a victim of this disease, that has completely left him immobile . There is also another victim names Adrian Berry who is in his 20s suffering from his condition.<ref name=":2" /> Unlike Robert, Adrian still has some mild mobility in his arms and legs. Pina seeks advice from Adrian and Robert about Luciana's future living with this condition. Pina fears for Luciana's teenage years and being able to cope and feel normal with this condition.
Luciana's understands that she is different and would rather be like everyone else, but she continues to fight on.<ref name=":1" />
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