The First Borg Encounter

References: Multiple Star Trek Episodes including Star Trek: The next Generation and Star Trek: Voyager

The first encounter with the Borg was in the year of 2373 at the discretion of Q. Q is depicted in Star Trek: The Next Generation and in some parts of Star Trek: Voyager as a being of energy that apparently has great power over space and time and all matter. Q is from the Q continuum, which consists of a race of other "superior" beings as well.

Hoping to supposedly join their quest and protect them from unknown dangers that may lie ahead, Q visits the USS Enterprise-D (NCC-1701-D) in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Upon arrival, having a grievance with Q, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the Enterprise, ensures him that they need none of his help.

Gynan, an onboard woman who serves as a bartender, (Played by Whoopi Goldberg) recognizes Q as she and supposedly some of her people have also a grievance with him.

In an attempt to prove them wrong of not needing his help, Q uses his powers to hurl the ship to an unknown part of the galaxy. (unknown by the crew of the Enterprise)

Q fades into the background in the wake of the chaos. The Enterprise begins to scan a nearby planet that appears to have been stripped of it's life and technology. Soon after, Mr. Worf, a Klingon and the Enterprise's tactical officer realizes and calls to the attention of the bridge that they're being probed (intensely scanned). When Commander Riker, The ship's first officer, asks what is the source of the probe, Worf tells him that it's a ship on an intercept course. The ship is a cube-shaped vessel that is highly generalized in design with no specific bridge, command center, engineering section or living quarters. The ship appears to be covered with perpendicular and a few diagonal bars and greebles. No weapons or shield of known design can be detected. After failing to communicate with them, the captain learns that Gynan and her people have encountered such a life-form before and that they destroyed her people's cities and scattered them (her people) throughout the galaxy, She reveals them as being called The Borg, and tells the captain, "Protect yourself captain, or they'll destroy you!" Shortly after, the shields are raised and all decks are on standby when a Borg "Drone" beams aboard the ship and into the engineering section injecting tubles into the computer console apparently attempting to analyze their systems. After being disabled by Worf with a phaser, captain orders his senior staff into his ready room. Q again appears and informs them that "They;re not interested in political conquest, wealth or power as you know it, they're simply interested in your ship, its technology, they've identified it as something they can consume."
Also, the Borg announce over a channel, "We have analyzed your defensive capabilities as being unable to withstand us, if you defend yourself you will be punished!"
Soon after a tractor beam starts to drain the shields of the Enterprise. Also a smaller tractor beamed accompanied by a laser carves a section of the ship out ot the saucer section. After multiple phaser fire, they terminate the Borg's beam. for now. An away team is sent to the Borg ship (cube)and reveals that the Borg are using their combined power to help the ship regenerate itself. The drones appear to ignore any "intruders" aboard their ship if they appear as no threat. Almost immediately the captain orders the away team beamed back to the ship. After trying to leave, the Borg pursue the Enterprise little by little outrunning them (the Enterprise) even at their highest warp speed. They begin firing a green-colored weapon, the same color as the tractor beam, that drains the shields within thee hits. Also, they deplete the warp field. The crew tried to rebel during the chase with multiple photon torpedo firings, but the Borg ship appears to have adapted to the weapon and it causes no damage. Eventually, their shields are drained again and they fall out of warp due to the weapon the Borg are using to drain their shields. The Borg begin to reestablish their tractor beam. Picard, frightened and confused, admits that he is unprepared for this type of encounter and Q returns them home.
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