The Equidistribution of Lattice Shapes of Rings of Integers of Cubic, Quartic, and Quintic Number Fi

The Equidistribution of Lattice Shapes of Rings of Integers of Cubic, Quartic, and Quintic Number Fields: An Artist's Rendering is a mathematics book by Piper Harron, based on her Princeton University doctoral thesis of the same title. It has been described as "feminist", Harron and Bhargava had already shown that, viewed as a lattice in real vector space, the ring of integers of a random number field does not have any special symmetries. Their proof is quite concise, and was published in Compositio Mathematica in 2016. Rather than simply presenting the proof, Harron intended for the thesis and book to explain both the mathematics and the process (and struggle) that was required to reach this result. Harron intentionally departs from the typical academic format as she is writing for a community of mathematicians who "do not feel that they are encouraged to be themselves". Mathematician Philp Ording calls her approach to communicating mathematical abstractions "generous".
Her thesis went viral in late 2015, especially within the mathematical community, in part because of the provocative prologue which begins by stating that "respected research math is dominated by men of a certain attitude". She returned determined that, even if she didn't do math the "right way", she "could still contribute to the community". Her husband, Robert Harron, is also a mathematician.
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